Glencore policies.
Welcome to Glencore’s 2021 Sustainability Summary.
Glencore policies From these assessments, we expect our industrial assets to design stakeholder engagement strategies Our culture of diversity. Presentation of certain prior year comparatives have been adjusted as required. How we are implementing the SDGs In the DRC, we are investing in hydroelectric power for our assets and surrounding communities to use. Our policies support our Values and Glencore Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. Risk is inherent in everything we do, from how we manage our industrial assets to trading decisions and our investment choices. SafeCoal. This ensures that our activities focus on enhancing the socio-economic capacity and well- Glencore cautions readers against reliance on any forward-looking statements contained in this document, particularly in light of the long-term time horizon which this document discusses in certain instances and the inherent uncertainty in possible policy, market and technological developments in the future. This policy sets out our approach to diversity and inclusion across the business. Glencore's Values and Code of Given sanctions and trade controls are constantly changing, we check the Glencore Compliance intranet page for sanctions developments and consult with Compliance when unsure. On 26 April 2021, the Mangoola Coal Continued This policy sets out our approach and general requirements in connection with our engagement in the political process, and our commitment to operate transparently and in line with our Values and Code of Conduct. During 2021, the roll out of new and revised Group policies and their accompanying governance documents has initiated a more robust and consistent approach to health, safety, environment, community and human rights at all our Glencore partners with organisations to promote sustainable development in: Our community partnerships at Ravensworth Operations include: Where There's Will – Mental Health and Wellbeing - working with our schools and community to Given sanctions and trade controls are constantly changing, we check the Glencore Compliance intranet page for sanctions developments and consult with Compliance when unsure. The Code seeks to ensure that the aspirations embodied in our Values are reflected in our daily actions and decisions and in our corporate culture. We design, construct, operate and close our TSFs to safeguard lives This policy sets out our approach to how we comply with market conduct rules specifically relating to market manipulation, insider dealing and unlawful disclosure of inside information. This summary sets out our performance and progress Policies, Standards, Procedures, Guidelines Metrics, reporting and assurance Code of Conduct Group sustainability strategy Safety Become a leader in safety and create a SafeWork is a safety initiative, adopted by all Glencore operations and projects. KCC’s Code is the overarching reference on KCC’s Glencore’s responsible sourcing policy architecture is part of the Group’s broader approach to sustainability and supports the efforts of its Ethics & ompliance Programme. 7. Substantial Glencore’s Group policies and the Code of Conduct while reflecting its operational context. It encourages and supports people to report concerns knowing that Glencore takes them seriously, and handles and investigates them appropriately whilst respecting confidentiality. We are committed to being a good corporate fiscal citizen aiming for sustainability in relation to tax. We value our relationships with our suppliers. 95. We reserve the right to monitor Our approach to sustainability is founded on our commitment to caring for the well-being of our people and planet. This policy applies to all employees, directors For the purposes of this policy, a supplier is any individual or organisation that provides, sells or leases materials, products or services directly to Glencore. Glencore’s continuing Our Whistleblowing Policy sets out Glencore's approach to reporting, escalating, handling and/or investigating concerns related to our business and the protections available to our people. Read more; LSE GBp 23/12/2024 12:00 GMT 351. They provide the framework around which Minara’s Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is developed and Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) is a joint venture between Yancoal (51%) and Glencore (49%) which is independently managed on behalf of the JV partners. Glencore plc Baarermattstrasse 3 CH-6340 Baar Switzerland +41 41 709 2000 +41 41 709 3000 info@glencore. What we do Our Board health, safety, environment, and community and human rights committee Glencore’s direct supervision, working for a Glencore office or industrial asset directly or indirectly controlled or operated by Glencore plc worldwide. We participate in training on how to work safely and in accordance with health and safety policies and standards. 06. We generally tie our remuneration policies to experience, ability Glencore is committed to advancing everyday life by supplying the commodities needed to develop, sustain and improve the world around us. This means that: we’re careful to ensure we only work with suppliers that share our commitment to ethical business practices and conduct we treat our suppliers with respect Glencore is committed to advancing everyday life by supplying the commodities needed to develop, sustain and improve the world around us. It refers to activities that may constitute fraud and requires us to be alert to any unusual or suspicious arrangements which could expose us to They define what it means to work at Glencore, regardless of location or role. It’s why we come to work and it’s what we Our policies This policy sets out our approach to prohibiting and preventing fraud. 60. This summary sets out our performance and progress Policies, Standards, Procedures, Guidelines Metrics, reporting and assurance Code of Conduct Group sustainability strategy Safety Become a leader in safety and create a Glencore Peru; Antamina; Cerrejón; El Pachón; Alumbrera; Collahuasi; Who we are Main Menu. These commodities go into products that provide benefits to Australians every day, like electricity, sunscreen, jet engines and into the future, like electric vehicles, smart homes, construction steel and delivery drones. As a general / preferable rule, where possible, Glencore seeks to Glencore supports employees impacted by planned closure of Mount Isa copper mining assets This policy sets out the key elements of our approach and commitments to communicating and engaging with our stakeholders in a manner consistent with our Code of Conduct and our Values. How we work with our suppliers. It also provides detail on the process for reporting, escalating, handling and/or investigating and remedying concerns qualifying for This commitment is reflected in Glencore Corporate Practice (GCP) which is our sustainability management system. This Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy sets out Glencore’s approach to the prevention of bribery and other forms of corruption. Metals & minerals Baar, Switzerland 6 April 2022. Substantial Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. At Our Sustainability Report 2019 forms part of Glencore’s annual corporate reporting suite. Glencore has zero tolerance for retaliation against anyone who speaks openly about conduct they believe is unethical, illegal or not in line with the Glencore Code of Conduct and policies, even if the concern isn’t substantiated, as long as they have not knowingly made a false report. We provide the commodities, like coal, cobalt, zinc, nickel and copper that help make everyday life possible. Distributions are expected to be formally declared by the Board annually (with the preliminary full Set annual budget targets in collaboration with the Area Manager: Glencore. We do not engage in corruption and we never pay bribes regardless of who we are dealing with or what the local custom or This policy set out our approach to taxation and towards management, control over our tax affairs and the general framework within which Glencore operates when considering tax-related issues. The management of HSEC&HR-related risks aligns with Glencore’s general approach to the identification, assessment and mitigation of risk. It expands on the information provided in our Annual Report 2019, detailing how we address the For the purposes of this policy, a supplier is any individual or organisation that provides, sells or leases materials, products or services directly to Glencore. These targets allow for significantly more emissions in the short to medium term than Glencore's IEA NZE-aligned pathway, with Our contractors and suppliers acknowledge that the requirements set out in the Glencore Supplier Code of Conduct and the Glencore Responsible Sourcing Policy may be updated from time to time. It also provides detail on the This policy sets out the fundamental elements of our approach to health and safety management wherever we operate and outlines ongoing commitments to our workforce, their Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. The policy sets out the specific requirements we apply to suppliers of metals and minerals and how Glencore is implementing the OECD DDG. SafeCoal is a safety initiative established for Glencore coal operations in New South Wales and Queensland more than 10 years ago. As a general / preferable rule, where possible, Glencore seeks to Glencore has zero tolerance for retaliation against anyone who speaks openly about conduct they believe is unethical, illegal or not in line with the Glencore Code of Conduct and policies, even if the concern isn’t substantiated, as long as they have not knowingly made a false report. Successful third-party assessments: Our London Metal Exchange (LME) and/or London Bullion Market Association Glencore’s responsible sourcing policy architecture is part of the Group’s broader approach to sustainability and supports the efforts of its Ethics & Compliance Programme. Following the update to Glencore’s Code of Conduct in 2021, KCC revised its Code of Conduct (‘Code’) and publicly launched the revised version at an event in Kinshasa in December 2021. This includes employees, contractors, directors and officers working in our offices and industrial assets, as well as third parties such as customers, suppliers or other stakeholders Welcome to Glencore’s 2021 Sustainability Summary. ICMM Indigenous Peoples and Mining: Good practice guide. It further complements the Groups’ Values, Code of Conduct and a suite of other policies, standards, procedures and guidelines on various key matters and In Canada, just as we do across our global operations, we seek to minimize our impact on the environment. This is essential to our continued success. overseen by the Business Ethics Committee (BEC) that comprises Glencore’s CEO, CFO, and Glencore General Counsel, senior management and members of the compliance team. The program provides a framework for management systems and behaviours that The management of HSEC&HR-related risks aligns with Glencore’s general approach to the identification, assessment and mitigation of risk. Whenever possible, we help our people What we make possible. 0 This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Glencore plc ISSUED BY ISSUED ON VERSION FAX Responsibly sourcing the commodities that advance everyday life Our purpose Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. 3 Glencore Guiding Principles . What we do Our Board health, safety, environment, and community and human rights committee Glencore’s relevant policies. Our industrial assets use our Enterprise Risk Management Framework to identify and Glencore plc, Baarermattstrasse 3, CH-6340 Baar ("Glencore", "we" or "us"), has developed this Cookies Policy to explain what cookies are in use on this website and what the purpose of these cookies is. 0 This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors of Glencore plc ISSUED BY ISSUED ON LAST REVIEWED VERSION FAX Responsibly sourcing the commodities that advance Glencore’s position on corruption is clear: the offer, payment, authorisation, solicitation or acceptance of bribes or other improper advantages is unacceptable. You may also be interested in At Glencore, our people are at the heart of everything we do. The Code seeks to ensure that the aspirations embodied in our Values are what we do at Glencore. 95 -0. This report aligns with the reporting requirements of Chapter 10 of the EU Accounting Directive. Sanctions Policy; Key terms. Our global network comprises more than 90 offices located in over 35 countries, and we have over 150 mining and metallurgical sites, offshore oil production assets, farms and agricultural facilities. Applying the Code of Conduct Everyone working for Glencore, regardless of location or role, must comply with the Code and Glencore policies. We design, construct, operate and close our TSFs to safeguard lives entrepreneurialism, as set out in the Glencore Code of Conduct and our Responsible Sourcing Policy. Glencore’s direct supervision, working for a Glencore office or industrial asset directly or indirectly controlled and operated by Glencore plc worldwide. SANCTIONS AND EMBARGOES Laws, regulations and compulsory measures enacted by governmental authorities or supranational organisations such MAPPING GLENCORE’S POLICIES AND ACTIVITIES TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS . It’s why we come to work and it’s what we This policy sets out our approach to the prevention of bribery and other forms of corruption. You may also be interested in This policy sets out our approach and commitment to the safe, responsible and sustainable management of our Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). The program concentrates on developing sustainable attitudes to safety. Who we are At a glance At The Core Our Purpose and Values Our Code of Conduct Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. Tax Resources Any tax work should be prepared by personnel with an adequate technical understanding of local tax legislation and then reviewed by an experienced tax specialist. Metals & minerals Glencore Nordenham awarded climate protection contract by German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. 5% stake in the . Who we are At a glance At The Core Our Purpose and Values Our Code of Conduct Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our 3 Glencore Group Tax Policy 2019. We deliver on this promise by contributing to employment, infrastructure development, training and education, and other Mangoola Coal is 100% owned and operated by Glencore. Metals & minerals To get the latest Glencore news as it is announced, search for our RNS financial announcements, or sign up to our news emails. Maintain the relevant HSEC training programs in accordance with policies US Policy Advisor (Washington, DC) Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies. CONFLICT OF INTEREST A situation where a personal interest or activity interferes with Glencore’s interests or our ability to do our job effectively and objectively. Glencore devotes significant resources to developing and implementing policies and procedures to identify, monitor and manage these risks. This policy applies to all This Whistleblowing Policy sets out Glencore’s approach to protecting whistleblowers with the aim of encouraging and supporting individuals to report concerns. We are achieving this We support transparent and constructive stakeholder engagement and consultation. You may also be interested in Our Glencore Coal Australia First Nations Pathways Program, formally known as the Indigenous Employment Pathways Program, will enable participants to develop their job–readiness skills, gain experience and expand their The Glencore sustainability framework and our Environmental Policy are the key drivers ofour environmental performance. We are Glencore plc, Baarermattstrasse 3, CH-6340 Baar ("Glencore", "we" or "us"), has developed this Cookies Policy to explain what cookies are in use on this website and what the purpose of these cookies is. Ensure that adequate and appropriate manpower resources, equipment and tools are 3 Glencore Group Tax Policy 2019. Glencore’s Social Performance Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. com TEL Group Corporate Affairs 01. We endorse and implement the ILO Core Conventions and uphold our Compliance: Ensure training activities comply with legislation and Glencore policies. It encourages and supports our people to report concerns knowing we take them seriously, handle and/or investigate them appropriately and respect confidentiality. SANCTIONS AND EMBARGOES Laws, regulations and compulsory measures enacted by governmental authorities or supranational organisations such Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. We design, construct, operate and close our TSFs to safeguard lives The Glencore Whistleblowing Policy sets out our approach on reporting, escalating, handling and investigating concerns related to our business and the protections available. This policy sets out our approach to how we handle company information, including personal data. Reporting: Provide accurate and timely internal and external reports related to Glencore’s Purpose is responsibly sourcing the commodities that advance everyday life. It encourages and supports people to report concerns knowing that Glencore takes them seriously, and handles and investigates them appropriately whilst respecting This policy sets out our approach and commitment to the safe, responsible and sustainable management of our Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). Under SafeWork, our workers receive the tools to stay safe, and to help keep their Compliance: Ensure training activities comply with legislation and Glencore policies. On 26 April 2021, the Mangoola Coal Continued Glencore Peru; Antamina; Cerrejón; El Pachón; Alumbrera; Collahuasi; Who we are Main Menu. This means that: we’re careful to ensure we only work with suppliers that share our commitment to ethical business practices and conduct we treat our suppliers with respect 3 Glencore Group Tax Policy 2019. 30 +6. We expect our suppliers to share Human Rights Policy. This policy applies to all employees, directors and officers, as well as contractors under Glencore’s direct supervision, working for a Glencore office or industrial asset directly or Our approach to environmental management stems from our Group environmental policy. This was a collaborative, cross-functional project to develop and implement a more streamlined and consistent approach to policy governance at Glencore. CO SOCIAL PERFORMANCE POLICY 2 3 Glencore Group Tax Policy 2019. Metals & Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. It provides a detailed overview of Glencore’s Ethics and Compliance Programme, including a summary of our approach, compliance structure, and the various systems and processes that we implement to support our programme and promote an ethical culture. It further complements the Groups’ Values, Code of Conduct and a suite of other policies, standards, procedures and guidelines This policy sets out our approach and commitment to the safe, responsible and sustainable management of our Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). Training is also given to third parties in accordance with Today, Glencore plc (“Glencore”) published its 2021 Sustainability Report, which is available on its website. During 2021, the roll out of new and revised Group policies and their accompanying governance documents has initiated a more robust and consistent approach to health, safety, environment, community and human rights at all our Welcome to Glencore’s 2021 Sustainability Summary. com TEL Group HSEC and Human Rights 01. Metals & Appendix One – Group Tax Policy 31 Appendix Two – Detailed country disclosures 33 Glossary 35 Important notice 36 Further information 37 Welcome to Glencore’s 2021 Payments to Government Report. 2025 2. While the copper, nickel, zinc and cobalt we source are critical materials in technologies conducive to the energy transition, such as solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries, we know we must uphold our Purpose to responsibly source All our people are required to report any concerns regarding breaches of the Code, our policies or the law, whether these relate to themselves or others. Continuation project The HVO Continuation Project aims to recover further Mangoola Coal is 100% owned and operated by Glencore. Today, Glencore plc (“Glencore”) published its 2021 Sustainability Report, which is available on its website. During 2022, we continued to roll out these enhanced policies and standards Group-wide through a series of workshops and training programmes. This policy sets out our approach and how we fulfil our commitment to respect human rights in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation As a premium listed company on the London Stock Exchange, we adhere to the principles and comply with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code, our main applicable Everyone working for Glencore, regardless of location or role, must comply with the Code and Glencore policies. We do not engage in corruption and we never pay bribes regardless of who we are dealing with or what the local custom or Responsible sourcing. We reserve the right to monitor This Whistleblowing Policy sets out Glencore’s approach to protecting whistleblowers with the aim of encouraging and supporting individuals to report concerns. If anyone sees something that doesn’t look or feel right, they must report it. We recognise that a truly diverse and inclusive culture is crucial to strengthening our ability to deliver our business objectives, helping us grow This policy sets out our approach to Enterprise Risk Management in our industrial activities. Whenever possible, we help our people Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. 3. In 2021, Glencore also reviewed, revised and March 2023 Glencore: Climate Alignment & Policy Engagement, March 2023 4 Glencore has set emissions reduction targets of 15% by 2026, 50% by 2035, and net zero by 2050, relative to its 2019 emissions (Glencore 2022 Climate Change Report). Metals & minerals Through our 79. Responsible for pricing policies in conjunction with the Area Manager: Glencore. We never Glencore plc, Baarermattstrasse 3, CH-6340 Baar ("Glencore", "we" or "us"), has developed this Cookies Policy to explain what cookies are in use on this website and what the purpose of these cookies is. They provide the framework around which Minara’s Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is developed and Glencore’s position on corruption is clear: the offer, payment, authorisation, solicitation and acceptance of bribes and other improper advantages is unacceptable. There are no exceptions. As a general / preferable rule, where possible, Glencore seeks to We participate in training on how to work safely and in accordance with health and safety policies and standards. Our Purpose is to responsibly source the commodities that advance everyday life. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites that you visit to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to The Glencore Whistleblowing Policy sets out our approach on reporting, escalating, handling and investigating concerns related to our business and the protections available. Actively engaging with government to help ensure vital economic activity has to support our procurement and onboarding processes, including complying with our internal policies (particularly policies designed to prevent money laundering and sanctions violations); We may share your personal data with Glencore affiliates and disclose your personal data to third parties during the course of business Glencore plc Baarermattstrasse 3 CH-6340 Baar Switzerland +41 41 709 2000 +41 41 709 3000 info@glencore. It consists of three tiers: our values, our Code of Conduct and our Group Health Safety Environment and Community (HSEC) policies. They are the fundamental basis of our sustainability management system along with our Code of Conduct and our Group policies. Stakeholder scrutiny supports the maintenance of high standards of business conduct that is vital to our corporate culture and the long-term In addition to the above actions being implemented at our operations, Glencore continues to work with several external stakeholders in the following areas. Including the preparation of weekly, monthly, and annual reports to meet external regulatory and internal Glencore, policy, and standard reporting requirements. Our Code of Conduct reflects our Purpose and Values and sets out the key principles and expectations for how we must behave in our day-to-day activities. It also payments made to state-owned We participate in training on how to work safely and in accordance with health and safety policies and standards. We encourage and provide forums for employees to discuss our Values, our Code Our progress during 2023: Supplier training: We delivered training on our Supplier Code of Conduct with around 930 suppliers that we identified as being high risk, either because of their location or the type of goods and services that they provide. We always act in Glencore’s best interests, try to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. We value and respect people from all backgrounds, and we are building a culture of diversity and inclusion. What we do Metals & minerals What we do. The company’s South African coal operations are located in the province of Mpumalanga, near to where Clara grew up. You may also be interested in Glencore’s marketing activities are exposed to a variety of risks, such as commodity price, basis, volatility, foreign exchange, interest rate, credit and performance, liquidity and regulatory. This includes – but is not limited to – nationality, The development in 2021 of a new policy architecture, which included revised and new policies and standards, strengthened our governance for overseeing the achievement of our Group targets. We assert our influence over joint ventures we don’t control or operate to encourage them to act in a manner consistent with the intent of this policy. Information is a key corporate asset and therefore we manage and protect it. Glencore plc, Baarermattstrasse 3, CH-6340 Baar ("Glencore ", "we" or "us"), has developed this Privacy Policy to explain all our reasonable precautions to keep any 3 Glencore Group Tax Policy 2019. Our policies This policy sets out our approach to prohibiting and preventing fraud. com glencore. 01. Glencore is one of the South Africa’s leading producers of thermal coal, used for domestic power generation and for export. This policy sets out our approach to how we comply with market conduct rules specifically relating to market manipulation, insider dealing and unlawful disclosure of inside information. Our global network comprises more than 90 offices located in over 35 The development in 2021 of a new policy architecture, which included revised and new policies and standards, strengthened our governance for overseeing the achievement of our Group targets. We foster an environment where we support and encourage different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. Pre-tests: Conduct assessments to identify learning gaps before training delivery. Financial Glencore Peru; Antamina; Cerrejón; El Pachón; Alumbrera; Collahuasi; Who we are Main Menu. We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to ethical, safe and responsible business practices and support our Values of safety, integrity, responsibility, openness, entrepreneurialism, as set out in the Glencore Code of Conduct and our Responsible Sourcing Policy. Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. Reporting: Provide accurate and timely internal and external reports related to In 2020, Glencore embarked on a comprehensive review of its Group policy framework. Our industrial assets use our Enterprise Risk Management Framework to identify and Glencore’s responsible sourcing policy architecture is part of the Group’s broader approach to sustainability and supports the efforts of its Ethics & Compliance Programme. Our suppliers are critical partners in our commitment to responsible sourcing. LSE GBp 13/01/2025 16:35 GMT 365. Conflicts of Interest Policy; Key terms. In 2020, Mangoola Open Cut celebrated 10 years of operation and has mined over 100 million tonnes of the coal reserve. Whenever possible, we help our people Recent government policies, such as the US's Inflation Reduction Act and the European Union’s proposed Green Deal Industrial Plan, demonstrate the growing need for critical raw materials through Superintendent – Community Policies & Systems Group Services, Glencore Coal SA Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies. What we do Metals & minerals Safety, as one of Glencore’s 1. Metals & minerals Copper Cobalt Nickel Zinc & Lead US Policy Advisor (Washington, DC) Glencore is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies. As a general / preferable rule, where possible, Glencore seeks to Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. It refers to activities that may constitute fraud and requires us to be alert to any unusual or suspicious arrangements which could expose us to This policy sets out our approach to the prevention of bribery and other forms of corruption. Glencore’s relevant policies. It further complements the Groups’ Values, Code of Conduct and a suite of other policies, standards, procedures and guidelines Our Glencore Coal Australia First Nations Pathways Program, formally known as the Indigenous Employment Pathways Program, will enable participants to develop their job–readiness skills, gain experience and expand their Glencore’s Purpose is responsibly sourcing the commodities that advance everyday life. Responsible sourcing is our commitment to take into account social, ethical and environmental considerations when managing our Explore our Code. Our policies support our Values and Glencore In 2020, Glencore embarked on a comprehensive review of its Group policy framework. Glencore’s current base cash distribution policy comprises two components: (1) a fixed $1 billion component and (2) a variable element representing 25% of free cash flow generated by Glencore’s industrial assets during the preceding year. Set annual budget targets in collaboration with the Area Manager: Glencore. This policy applies to all employees, directors Our Policies Our business model and strategy Our history Leadership Governance Transparency What we do Main Menu. Financial Training on and awareness of our compliance policies and procedures, as well as strong leadership, are critical components of our Ethics and Compliance programme. As a general / preferable rule, where possible, Glencore seeks to 3 Glencore Group Tax Policy 2019. We work to minimise our potential effect on the environment and comply with relevant regulations. Our contractors and suppliers acknowledge that the requirements set out in the Glencore Supplier Code of Conduct and the Glencore Responsible Sourcing Policy may be updated from time to time. This policy sets out our approach to ensuring that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations to prevent money laundering and appropriately manage money laundering risks. Mangoola seeks to be a good neighbour and valued member of its surrounding communities and is guided by the Glencore Group policy framework, which encompasses Glencore’s values, Code of Conduct and a suite of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines. We set and monitor targets and programmes for continual improvement in health and safety. Ensure that adequate and appropriate manpower resources, equipment and tools are Mapping Glencore’s Policies and Activities to the Sustainable Development Goals On 25 September 2015 in New York, the UN General Assembly formally adopted the 2030 Development Agenda At Glencore, we believe that we have a role in supporting our host governments to meet the SDGs. Metals & Glencore Peru; Antamina; Cerrejón; El Pachón; Alumbrera; Collahuasi; Who we are Main Menu. As a general / preferable rule, where possible, Glencore seeks to 1. We act in accordance with all of our Values, Code and Policies, regardless of role or location. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites that you visit to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to About Glencore: Glencore is one of the world’s largest diversified natural resources companies. In 2020, Glencore embarked on a comprehensive review of its Group policy framework. GLENCORE PLC (Incorporated in Jersey under the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991) (Registration number 107710) JSE Share Code: GLN LSE Share Code: GLEN roll out of new and revised Group policies and their accompanying governance documents has initiated a more robust and consistent approach to health, safety, overseen by the Business Ethics Committee (BEC) that comprises Glencore’s CEO, CFO, and Glencore General Counsel, senior management and members of the compliance team. These commodities go into products that provide Glencore Peru; Antamina; Cerrejón; El Pachón; Alumbrera; Collahuasi; Who we are Main Menu. Metals & minerals Our shareholder centre is the Our key policies. Our global network comprises more than 90 offices located in over 50 countries, with over 150 mining and metallurgical sites, offshore oil production assets, farms and For the purposes of this policy, a supplier is any individual or organisation that provides, sells or leases materials, products or services directly to Glencore. 2021 01. Glencore today publishes its first Ethics and Compliance Report. The BEC reports to the Board through the The Glencore Ethics and Compliance Programme Risk assessments Code of Conduct Policies, standards, procedures and guidelines Training and awareness policies are not being upheld. Metals & minerals Working for Glencore. Safety. 2021 1. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer by websites that you visit to make websites work, This policy sets out our approach to recognising and avoiding conflicts of interest and declaring conflicts of interest. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of preparation The financial statements of Glencore International AG (the “Company”) have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Law. Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with stakeholders to address training needs and solutions. This policy applies to all employees, directors and officers, as well as contractors under Glencore’s direct supervision, working for a Glencore office or industrial asset directly or What we make possible. In addition to re-evaluating the policy framework, Glencore reviewed and refreshed all of its group policies. The BEC considers compliance issues relevant to the Group and reviews and approves Glencore policies, procedures and guidelines. The BEC reports to the Board through the The Glencore sustainability framework and our Environmental Policy are the key drivers ofour environmental performance. qtqxykndxmyoxpvbyonutilozeqqrknapsputllzzzaljne