Oliveira funeral home obituaries. Birth: 1967-10-28 Died: 2023-08-07.

Oliveira funeral home obituaries To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Francisco Nunes, please visit our flower store. A memorial service will be held 11 AM - 12 PM on Thursday, 10/3/24 at Oliveira Funeral Home in Fall River, MA with Burial directly following at Notre Dame Cemetery. 7920, visit the website, email, or drop by the office at 2657 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam. Her funeral will follow the next day, January 13, at 9:00 AM at the funeral home, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Holy Trinity Church, Stafford Rd, Fall River. Stephanie E. obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Fall River, MA A visitation will be held Friday, May 24, 2024, from 5 - 7PM at the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Service Obituaries. Teresa passed away on July 01, at the age of 79 surrounded by her family. Interment will be in Her funeral will be held Wednesday, April 20, at 9 a. His funeral will be held Wednesday, July 27, at 9:00 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held, Saturday, September 14, at 9 AM at St. Born in: São Miguel, Azores, Portugal Passed away peacefully on June 4, 2022 in Vancouver, BC at the age of 57. Service Location: Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Visitation will be held at the Aucair Funeral Home, 690 South Main St. Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Saturday, December 11, 2021, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Silvina Cabral Teves Medeiros. Her funeral will be held Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Burial will follow in Pocasset Hill Cemetery. Burial will follow in Obituaries. Dopart, who passed away in 2022, after their relationship of more than seven decades. Manuel Ferreira Oliveira. , followed by a Funeral Mass at 9AM, at Santo Christo Church. Fall River, MA followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Predeceased by parents Domenico and Carmela Giustino. A visitation will be held Sunday evening, January 12, from 5 - 8 PM at the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. Calling hours will be held Tuesday night, from 5 – 8 PM. Jorge M. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Parish, Columbia St. Silvina is survived by her loving husband of 59 years, Luis, children Frank, Roberto (Amber) and Aida, grandchildren Brydon, Brianna, Kaitlyn, Emery, Tyler, Katrina, Dominic [] Read Oliveira Funeral Homes, Inc. She passed away peacefully on November 18, 2022, in Surrey, BC at the age of 82. Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Her funeral will be held Friday, August 9, 2024 at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Service Time: 7:30 P. Her funeral will be held Friday, August 2nd, 2024, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. His funeral will be held Friday, March 22, 2024, at 9:00 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Birth: 1936-04-08 Died: 2024-11-21. Julia was born in Siksworth, Burham, England to Cecil Forth, a Coal Miner & Julio Santos born in Mouronho, Portugal passed away unexpectedly on January 7, 2023 in Burnaby, BC at the age of 79. Fall River, MA 02721 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo A visitation will be held Friday, November 29, 2024, from 5 – 8 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Service Obituary. Bernard Church, 30 S. Her Mass of Christian Burial will follow at 11 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. A visitation will be held Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 9 - 11 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. , Fall River, followed by a Funeral Service at 10:00 AM in the funeral home. Her funeral will be held the following day, Saturday, November 30, at 9 AM at the funeral home, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Fall River, MA 02721 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Parish, Columbia Obituaries. Oliveira, age 80 of Somerset, peacefully passed away on Friday, March 1, 2024 in the comforts of his home with his loving family by his side. Maria dos Prazeres Bonifacio Almeida. Share 9:30 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. She died peacefully at home in the company of her husband Steve and other beloved friends. Share August 12th, from 8:00 - 9:30 am at the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. His funeral will be held Saturday, November 2, 2024, at 10 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Obituaries. Obituaries Vancouver, Port Coquitlam BC. It is with immense sadness that we announce the passing of Julio, who passed away unexpectedly on the early morning of Saturday, January 7, 2023. Send a Gift. There will be a Catholic Mass at St Teresa’s Catholic Church, 265 Stafford Road, Tiverton, RI on Tuesday June 25th at 10 AM with a private family burial following the mass. Luz. She passed away unexpectdly, October 08, 2023 in Vancouver, BC. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Thursday, December 05, 2024. Burial will follow in St. Private funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Oliveira Funeral Homes. A visitation will be held Wednesday, November 20, 2024, from 5 – 8 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. , Fall River, followed by a Funeral Mass at 10:00 AM at the Santo Christo Church. , Fall River, followed by a funeral service at 10 AM, in the funeral home. Alda. He will be lovingly remembered and missed A visitation will be held Friday, January 10, 2025, from 8 – 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. A funeral mass will be held, following the calling hours, at 11AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Calling hours will be held Thursday from 5 – 8 PM. Calling hours will be held Wednesday night from 6 – 8 PM. Maria’s kindness and support throughout was outstanding and so His visitation will be held Sunday night, December 22, 2024, from 7 - 9 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Sunday, September 29, 2024 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Plant A Tree. His funeral will be held Saturday, November 18, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the Born in Alte, Loule, Algarve, Portugal, João Rodrigues Passed away peacefully on July 10, 2023, at the age of 95. Birth: 1967-10-28 Died: 2023-08-07. Jose Augusto Pereira. A visitation will be held Monday, September 26, from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Birth: 1937-04-08 Died: 2024-12-28. Olivia Farias, also affectionately known as Olive, passed away peacefully on February 2, 2024, at Southpointe Nursing and Rehabilitation in Fall River. Susan Ellen (Moniz) White, 61, of Fall River, formerly of Tiverton, passed away Monday, June 3, 2024, at her home. She will be lovingly remembered by husband John, children Anissa, Angelo, sister Nilla (Don), brother John (Tina), mother-in-law Filomena, many nephews, nieces, family and friends [] A visitation will be held December 2, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:15 PM followed by visitation on December 3, 2024, from 9:00 – 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. View Isabel Carvalho's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 AM at St. from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. [] Her funeral will be held Wednesday, November 8, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St, Fall River, at 8 AM, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 AM, at Santo Christo Church. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023. Share May 13, at 9AM at the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Oliveira (Fall River, Massachusetts), whose life came to an end on July 26, 2024 at the age of 42, leaving behind cherished memories. Interment will be private. Visitation Date: Sunday, December 11, 2022 (5:00pm-7:00pm) Visitation Location:Oliveira Funeral Home. Her funeral will be held Thursday, April 28, at 8:00 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Visitation Location:Oliveira Funeral Chapel Her visitation will be held Saturday, December 14, from 8 - 10 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Dan Manulak. A visitation will be held Thursday night from 5 - 7 PM. Browse the latest notices published in Vancouver Sun and Province newspapers. Guestbook. She will be missed by her loving husband of 36 years, Joe and her children, Kevin and Vanessa. Birth: 1943-05-17 Died: 2023-06-11. His funeral will be held 8 AM Monday, July 1st, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Her funeral will be held Wednesday, August 10, at 9:00 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Maria C. , Fall River, MA, followed by a funeral service at 10 a. View Kevin Lee Medeiros's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Anne's Credit Union). Interment will follow in Oak Grove Cemetery, Fall River. 2023, from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. Dupere, 58, of Fall River, passed away Sunday, December 15, 2024 at Charlton We will help guide you through all the questions and concerns you may have during the funeral process. Visitation Date: Monday, October 07, 2024 @ 2:00 PM. Relvinha, please visit our flower store . Interment View Maureen Rego's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. , Fall River. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Debi Oliveira, please visit our flower store . Calling hours will be held Wednesday, June 16, 2021 from 8 AM - 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Theresa Church, 265 Stafford Road, Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be Tuesday at 9:00 A. Interment will be in Oak Grove Cemetery, Fall River. Get Directions. I am very happy with Oliveira Funeral Home services, I have only good things His funeral will be held Saturday, May 11th, from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Calling hours will be held Thursday, April 29, 2021, from 9 AM to 11 AM, followed by a funeral service at 11 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 2064 South Main St. Madeleine’s Church, Tiverton. Slavica Opacak. Fall River, MA 02724, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 AM at St. She was the widow of the late Jose Ambrosio Araujo. My sales visits to Batty’s shoes for a decade included many warm and friendly conversations with John, Maria and the girls who were staff in the store. Visitation Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024 @ to be announced. Birth: 1953-05-18 Died: 2024-11-26. Interment will be in Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River. His funeral will be held Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 9:00 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Oliveira February 19, 1959 — July 21, 2024 from 5:00-8:00 p. Birth: 1957-07-29 Died: 2024-09-24. A visitation will be held Friday, July 7, 2023 from 9-11 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 2064 South Main St. His funeral will be held Monday, January 22, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Visitation Date: Wednesday, December 04, 2024 @ 3:00 P. You can view the obituary, service details and leave messages of condolences for those under the care of A visitation will be held Tuesday, February 18, 2025, starting at 9 AM at the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Calling hours will be held Wednesday evening, from 5 – 8 PM. Travel Route 24 South to Route 79 South to Route 138 South (Water front on right side). Patrick’s Cemetery, Fall River. Daniel J. Theresa’s View Stephanie E. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. View Frances Lilliston's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Her visitation will be held, Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, from 9:00 - 11:00 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Sufia was born on December 21, 2005 in Tehran Iran, and spent her childhood in For more information on Oliveira Funeral Home or to arrange a consultation, call 604. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022. Interment will be in Notre Dame Cemetery. Calling hours will be Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Friday, October 15, 2021, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Birth: 1927-09-02 Died: 2024-12-17. Share December 12, 2024, starting at 8 AM at the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. 942. Calling hours will be held Friday evening, from 5 - 8 PM. Patrick's Cemetery. from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Isabel. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. (Anctil) Oliveira's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Tony was born on May 20th, 1961 in Ribeira Grande, São Miguel, Azores. Birth: 1943-05-25 Died: 2021-10-08. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Richard Lima, please visit our flower store. She will be lovingly remembered by family and friends in Portugal & [] A visitation will be held Friday, November 22, 2024, from 5 – 8 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021. Made the entire process very easy to deal with in this sad and Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Saturday, November 13, 2021, at 8 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Birth: 1968-11-10 Died: 2023-05-07. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Loretta Moniz, please visit A visitation will be held Tuesday, July 30, 2024, from 8:00 - 9:30 AM at the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Fall River, MA, followed by a Funeral Service at 11 AM in the funeral home. Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 9:00 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 2064 South Main St, Fall River, MA 02724 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at St. Please meet directly at church. Burial will follow in Notre Dame Cemetery. Besides a non-declinable basic services fee, other charges may include removal/transfer of the body to the funeral home; embalming; other preparation of the body; use of facilities and staff for viewing; use of facilities and staff for the funeral ceremony; use of a hearse, service car, or van; a basic A visitation will be held Saturday, September 21st, 2024 from 10 AM -12 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 2064 South Main St. Birth: 1928-05-09 Died: 2023-04-05. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Made the entire process very easy to deal with in this sad and Born in Algarve, Portugal, Julieta passed peacefully on July 28, 2022. Cherished spouse, treasured friend, and creative spirit, she was kind and deeply caring, [] It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our Mother, a beloved wife and Nonna. , Fall River, followed by a funeral service at 11 AM, in the funeral home. Birth: 1929-10-30 Died: 2022-05-17. , Fall River, followed by a Funeral Mass at Santo Christo Church. Her funeral will be held Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Visitation. Teresa and their two sons. With solemn reverence, we commemorate Stephanie E. Fall River, MA. Maria Ribeiro. Leonard Oliveira Jr. Chapel, 2064 South Main St, Fall River. Calling hours will be held Sunday night from 5 - 7 PM. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a. Share January 17, 2022, from 4 - 6 PM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St, Fall River, MA 02721. Chapel, 2064 South Main Street, Fall River. Visits: 292. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: and other family members and friends. Visit the Oliveira Family Funeral Home & Cremation Service - Columbia Street website to view the full obituary. Jose Manuel Viseu Lopes. Fall River, followed by a funeral service at 11AM at Holy Ghost Church, 316 Judson St, Tiverton, RI. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in A visitation will be held Thursday, June 29, 2023 from 9-10:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 2064 South Main St. Michael, Azores, A tribute to Manuel Francisco Resendes, who passed away on August 05, 2021 in Port Moody, BC. Chapel, 2064 South Main St, Fall River, at 9 AM, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM, at St. ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Funeral Service is at 11:00 am in the Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Jeffrey’s name to the American Heart Association, PO Box 417005 Boston, MA 02241. Fall River, followed by a funeral service in the funeral home at 11 AM. His funeral will be held Saturday, August 31, 2024 at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Fall River, followed by a prayer service in the funeral home at 12 PM. Fall River, MA 02724. , Assonet, MA. 08 Jul, 2024. Birth: 1967-06-12 Died: 2024-12-02. Calling hours will be held Friday from 5 – 8 PM. and sign the guestbook. She was the widow of Obituaries. Carlos "Charlie" A. Interment will be in View Agnes Correia's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Lavoie, III, 56, of Tiverton, RI, passed away March 11, 2024 at Newport Hospital. She was a Portuguese teacher for 30 years who loved animals, gardening, and travelling. Entombment will follow in Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall Gloria Maria Reis. Main St. Maria was born on September 12 1947 in Alqueidao da Serra, Portugal. Paiva's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. A Funeral Service will be 12:00 noon Sunday, March 26, 2023 at Oliveira Funeral Home Chapel 2657 Shaughnessy St. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Highly recommend Oliveira Funeral Homes for anyone in need of such services. Highly recommend Oliveira Funeral Homes for anyone in need of such services. , a funeral home in Port Coquitlam, BC. Jose Adriano Sousa. A visitation will be held Saturday, August 6, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Friday, January 14, 2022. Fall River, MA 02721, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 AM at Santo Christo Obituaries. Calling hours will be held Sunday night, from 4 – 7 PM. at the Nardolillo Funeral Home & Crematory, 1278 Park Avenue, Cranston, followed by his Her funeral will be held Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 10:00 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. (Fall River, Massachusetts), who passed away on August 6, 2024 at the age of 57. Chapel, 2064 South Main Street, Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Holy Trinity Church, Fall River. Thomas More Parish, 386 Luther Ave, Somerset. Burial will be in Mayflower Hill Cemetery, Taunton. Birth: 2005-12-21 Died: 2022-07-24. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023. He was a loving and caring husband, father, grandfather, [] A traditional funeral involves a number of services which add to the total cost. , Fall River, MA 02721 followed by a Funeral Mass at 9 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. com Mario Teixeira de Almeida. Joao de Moura Campos. Patrick’s Cemetery, in Fall River. (Lima) Oliveira and the son of the late Silvino & Beatrice (Perreira) Oliveira. Agnes. Service Time: 10:00 A. Tony is survived by his wife. His funeral will be held Monday, July 29, 2024, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Fall River, MA 02721 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at St. His funeral will be held Friday, April 12, 2024, at the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. She was the widow of her “sweetheart” the late Peter S. Chapel, 2064 S Main St, Fall River, MA 02724. M. According to the Calling hours will be held Sunday from 4 - 6 p. View Alda (Oliveira) Rocha's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Born in Vila Franca do Campo, St. Calling hours will be held Friday evening from 5 – 8 PM. Our goal is to make this as easy as possible for your family. Michael, Azores, he was the son of the late Manuel Vieira and Maria Jose With extreme sadness, the family of Sufia Abdollahi announces her sudden passing on July 24, 2022. I am very happy with Oliveira Funeral Home services, I have only good things to say about them. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Friday, January 03, 2025. View Carlos "Charlie" A. Hill Funeral Home 822 Main St East Greenwich, RI 02818 Her funeral will be held Saturday, October 21st, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St, Fall River, at 9 AM, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM, at Santo Christo Church. Birth: 1959-08-01 Died: 2023-03-16. Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Saturday, December 26th at 8:00 AM from Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. His funeral will be held Thursday, April 21, gathering at 10:00 am at the Oliveira Funeral Home. Fall River, MA, followed by a Funeral Service at 10 AM at Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI. Fall River on Sunday, August 11, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Mary's Cathedral, Second Street, Fall River. , at 10 AM, followed by funeral prayers at 11AM. Birth: 1934-08-12 Died: 2024-11-02. Her funeral will be held Saturday, December 9, from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Visit the Oliveira Family Funeral Home & Cremation Service - Main Street website to view the full obituary. We really appreciate it. Antonio is survived by his loving wife of 61 years, Maria Amelia and his 3 children, Maria dos Anjos (Americo), Anthony, Diana (Paul), 5 grandchildren, Carlos (Nalini), David, Dennis (Carol), Marcus, Miguel and 5 [] A visitation will be held Friday, January 10, 2025, from 8 – 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. John and Maria were cherished customers of mine from my early days as a sales rep in the footwear industry. Her funeral will follow the next day, Friday December 13, at 8:45 AM at the funeral home, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at St. Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Julia Lynch 8th April 1935 – 5th June 2022 Julia Lynch (Nee Forth) sadly passed away on the 5th June 2022 at Eagle Ridge Hospital, Port Moody, Vancouver, BC. at Santo Christo Parish, Fall River, MA. South Main Street Chapel, 2064 South Main Street, Fall River, MA. , Port Coquitlam, B. Tellison Glover Officiating. You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Espirito Santo Church, Alden St. She came to Canada in 1970 and started her new life in Date :04 Feb 2025 Tribute :Today I learned of John’s passing and was saddened to come across his celebration of life obituary. Mathews, please visit our flower store . Thank you for everything. 11:00 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. Brayton Nursing Center. Fall River, MA followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11:30 AM at Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 9:00 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 2064 South Main St, Fall River, MA 02724 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at St. She enjoys spending time with her sons. Alfred Carvalho Obituary Alfred Carvalho's passing at the age of 84 on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 has been publicly announced by Oliveira Funeral Home - Main Street in Fall River, MA. oliveirafuneralhomes. Her hobbies included hair dressing and making silk flower arrangements. Oliveira Obituary. Herculano. Visitation Location: Highly recommend Oliveira Funeral Homes for anyone in need of such services. A visitation will be held Monday, June 24th, 2024, from 4 – 7 PM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. at the Oliveira Funeral Home – Columbia St. Birth: 2004-12-30 Died: 2023-03-08. Find obituaries and announcements from Oliveira Funeral Services Ltd. Interment will be in Pocasset Hill Cemetery, Tiverton. , Fall River, followed by funeral prayers in the funeral home at 10 AM. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of Leonard Oliveira Jr. Birth: 1947-04-19 Died: 2022-11-30. We will help guide you through all the questions and concerns you may have during the funeral process. Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11 AM at Holy Trinity Parish, Delores (Costa) Dopart, 94, of Fall River, passed away on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at St. A visitation will be held Wednesday, August 9, from 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Calling Obituaries. Steven R. Christopher Church, 1554 Main Rd, Tiverton. Interment will follow in Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River. Oliveira's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. , Fall River, followed by a Funeral Mass at 10:00 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Interment in Notre Dame Cemetery. Burial will be in Pocasset Hill Cemetery, Tiverton. His funeral service will follow the next day, Monday, December 23, at 8 AM, in the funeral home. Sufia Abdollahi. Service Time: 10:30 A. They were accommodating and provided everything required and more. at Espirito Santo Church, Alden St. Teresa was predeceased by her husband, father, mother,sister & Dolores was born, January 25, 1948 in Civitanova del Sannio, Italy. They are compassionate, professional, kind and friendly. Oliveira Funeral Home assisted in laying my mother to rest. M A visitation will be held Friday, November 29, 2024, starting at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. 2064 South Main St, Fall River, MA, 02724 . Jose Coelho da Silva Guerreiro. Born in Fall River, he was a son of Madeline (Santos) Lavoie and the late Armand B. Contact Us Now A visitation will be held Saturday, May 7, from 9:00 - 11:00 am at the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main Street Chapel, 2064 South Main Street, Fall River, MA. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2023. Service Time: 11:00 A. , Fall River, followed by a Funeral Mass at 10 am at Espirito Santo Church, Fall River. 1966 Maureen 2022. in the funeral home. Enter code Domenico Angelillo. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Maureen Rego It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Husband, Dad & Grandfather on July 6, 2022. Born in Fall River, she was a daughter of the late Antone J View Susan White's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Holy Trinity Parish, 951 Stafford Rd. João (John) was predeceased by his beloved wife Natalina, granddaughter Michelle Apolonia, sister Alexandrina, Da Silva Mealha (Zeferino), brother José Coelho (Carolina), brother Jacinto Coelho (Maria) who all lived in Canada. Iria Torres Vigario. Visitation Date: To be Announced. Obituary. A visitation will be held Saturday, January 13, 2024 from 8 - 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Fall River, MA 02724, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at St. Interment will follow in St. Lima, 86, of Fall River, passed away Friday, November 3, 2023, at Kimwell Nursing and Rehabilitation, in Fall River. Her funeral will be held Monday, February 12, 2024, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Chapel, 215 Columbia Street, Fall River followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 A. , Fall River,followed by a Funeral Mass at 9 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Calling hours will be held Tuesday from 5 - 8 p. Service Armand B. Anthony of Padua Church, Bedford St. Calling hours will be held Thursday, from 4 – 7 PM. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Friday, October 15, 2021. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Paul was the brother of the late Robert Oliveira. Visitation Date: Wednesday, June 05, 2024 @ 5:00 P. Kevin Lee Medeiros. Born in São Miguel, Azores, Daniel was the beloved husband of Margaret “Peggy” A. Chapel, 2064 South Main Street, Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton. View Herculano B. Her funeral will be held Saturday at 8 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. A visitation will be held Thursday, November 14, 2024, from 8:00 – 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Frances. Rev. Her Mass of Christian Burial will follow at 11 AM at Santo View Nelson B. Fall River, MA 02724, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at A visitation will be held Tuesday, November 26, 2024, starting at 9:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Interment will be in A visitation will be held Tuesday, February 18, 2025, starting at 9 AM at the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. FALL RIVER Joseph Dinis Lima, 67, of Fall River, passed away January 18, 2023, at St A visitation will be held Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 3:00 - 7:00 PM from Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Birth: 1921-06-26 Died: 2021-10-25. Her visitation will be held from 4 - 6 PM Friday, September 13, at the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Vieira, 64, of Fall River, passed away February 8th, 2024, at Sarah S. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Russell R. m. A visitation will be held Thursday, February 29th, 2024, from 9:00 - 10:30 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. A Funeral Service will follow at 11:00 am in the Funeral Home. Calling hours will be held Friday, November 1 from 4 -7 PM. A visitation will be held Thursday evening, December 12, from 5 - 8 PM at the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St. C. Patrick’s Cemetery. His funeral will be held the following day, Saturday, November 23, at 9 AM at the funeral home, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Nicolau T. Burial will be in Notre Dame Cemetery. Entombment will follow in Notre Dame Cemetery. Anne’s Hospital, in Fall River. Born in St. , followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Dolores came to Canada with her family by boat in 1958 and settled in East Vancouver, BC. Interment will be in St. Burial will be private. Anthony of Padua, Bedford St. Filomena Perrotta. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023. See his birth, family, service and funeral details on Oliveira Funeral Home website. Michael and Jason, He is also survived by his [] Licinia Ferreira. d. June 10, 2023 A visitation will be held Monday, December 30th, 2024, starting at 9:00 AM at the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. to pay them a last tribute. Contact Us Now Calling hours will be held Friday, July 15, from 9 – 10:30 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Manuel Felix Ferreira. Interment will be at Notre Dame Cemetery, Fall River. 2024, at the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Mary’s Cathedral, 2nd St. See Obituaries. A visitation will be held Friday, August 26, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. , from 1:30 - 3:30 PM, with funeral prayers at 3:30 PM. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. At the end of the highway, continue on Route 138 South through 5 traffic signals to the funeral home, located on the right left side of the street (across from St. on December 7, 2024, when Glenna Barron passed away following a hard-fought, six-month battle with an aggressive cancer. It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Richard Medeiros “Rabs” a retired police officer, father, and cherished grandfather, who peacefully left us on 11/18/2024 at the age of 87. Lavoie, Jr. Predeceased by his parents José and Maria Melo, and daughter Chelsey. To order memorial Obituaries. Birth: 1930-08-07 Died: 2024-12-13. Maria Fernanda Confeiteiro passed away on Aug 22/23, after a brief battle with cancer, with her loved ones at her side. Share Send Flowers. Interment will follow in Notre Dame Cemetery. A bright candle flickered out at 7 p. Her funeral will be held the following day, Thursday, November 21, at 8 AM at the funeral home, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 AM at Santo Christo Church, Columbia St. Maria’s funeral will be held Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Sydney Evica Ariadne Lightbourn . Calling hours will be held Wednesday night, from 5 – 7 PM. Born in Vancouver, BC on April 08, 1969. . , Fall River, MA 02721. Passed away suddenly on May 02, 2023 in Langley, BC at the age of 54. Fall River, MA 02721 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Espirito Santo Guiomar Martins da Rosa. With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Leonard Oliveira Jr. Visitation Date: Visitation Location: Service Date: Monday, August 08, 2022. Birth: 1945-09-13 Died: 2022-01-05. Maria Rodrigues Ferreira. Service Funeral to which relatives and friends are invited will be held Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 9 AM from the Oliveira Funeral Home – South Main St Chapel, 2064 South Main St. Birth: 1937-05-27 Died: 2024-05-29. João also had five [] Obituaries. Fall River, MA 02721, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Santo Christo Parish, Columbia St. Kevin. , followed by funeral prayers at 10 AM at the funeral home. Fall River, followed by a funeral service in the funeral home at 12 PM. , Fall River, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 AM at Espirito His visitation will be held Saturday, September 10, from 10AM - 12 PM at Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Calling hours will be held Wednesday, April 20th from 6-9:00 pm. 1-508-672-4768 | https://www. They Her funeral will be held Monday, June 13, at 8:00 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home, 215 Columbia St. Interment will be in Massachusetts National Cemetery, Bourne. A memorial service will be held Sunday, September 1st, 2024, from 9 - 11 AM, from the Oliveira Funeral Home - South Main St. Her funeral will be held Monday, February 26, at 9 a. Interment António (Tony) de Melo Vieira, a beloved husband, father, brother and friend passed away on February 10th, 2024, in Vancouver, BC, Canada. tpeqf umysw zke jdr vtsvm wqwp gbomzze icai unx mblofmv mmguq smetnx uctxu abgzs ytyhizy