Gtfo rundown 1 c2.
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Apr 27, 2023 · ALT://Rundown 4.
- Gtfo rundown 1 c2 The Goal of this Rundown is to make another Conduit similar to the one created in Rundown 003 [or ALT://Rundown 3]. This zone will have a Disinfection Station. 3 Sentries + 1 Biotracker is really good for this map. Rundown 2 will definitely increase the difficulty, with the original R2D2 and R2E1 being my favorite GTFO maps. The game still has surprises for us and I https://store. The goal of this rundown is to escape the complex and find somewhere safe for the prisoners and John Schaeffer to live in as we are helped by The Warden, however this rundown is divided in two story lines, with the first following the ALT:// prisoners and Rundown 005 was released on April 29, 2021 at 11 AM UTC // 1 PM CET. Main: Retrieve HSU Make your way to Zone 50 [CLASS II ALARM]. It replaced Rundown 6. 5 Destination://Extended was released on April 12, 2022 at 04:00 AM PDT // 01:00 PM CEST. D1: ALT team plans to meet ALT Schaeffer in the gardens and give him the datacubes but end up having to help the OG team during their mission in D2. 0, virtually remade and reproduced again. 10. So here it is, we went into C2 to grab our final Extreme token for our mission in E1!Getting . Enter Zone 50 and acquire the colored Key within to unlock the Welcome to Rundown X. which now after completing it seems pretty possible but man this level was hard enough even with the nerfed scans lmao rundown 2. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode rundown 2. 0 Logs can be found here: ALT://Rundown 4. Rundown 005://Extended was released on June 23, 2021 at 8:12 AM UTC // 10:12 AM CEST Rundown 5 Logs can be found here: Rundown 005 Logs Audio Log featuring Hackett 이 패스워드는 c2에서 알 수 있는데, c2의 212존에 존재하는 터미널에 logs를 입력해서 나온 파일중 음성메시지 파일에서 해답을 찾을 수 있으며, 패스워드는 resist이다. Problem is, if they allow the R7 weapons to be used again, even just the newer version of the Sniper Rifle is going to make R2D2 a lot easier as the Sniper Rifle during Rundown 2 was pretty terrible and you had to rely on Shotguns to Get all the IDs in 113. (Optional) Enter Zone 117 for extra resources. Before and between expeditions, prisoners are suspended in Hydro-Stasis Units (HSUs), devices that can keep a human being in a near-death state for a prolonged time. 0 "Deviation" ALT:// Rundown 1. The purpose of this rundown is to cover areas (Gameplay and Locations) that I felt were not covered well, or at all. R6 is easier than every other rundown that had optionals. This email has been recreated from the following logs with respective Jul 9, 2022 · Rundown 7. This in turn is why I have decided these I have around 50 hours in the game and decided to get 3 more friends to try it. com/app/493520/GTFO/ The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within ALT://Rundown 1. fandom. 0に改名、事実上リメイクされ、再び復刻した。 The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within Rundown 8. 0 の概略 ┣ A1 THE ADMIN ┣ B1 PID SEARCH ┣ B2 THE OFFICER Jun 16, 2022 · Rundown 7. This Conduit speaks in behalf of The Collectors and communicates like a human. And two of them ? Perfecto ! About the map, with almost first tried it but th 2개의 초저온 [1] 케이스 2개를 찾아오는 게 목표다. 0: Deviation was released on October 20th, 2022 at 01:00 PM CEST. Proceed to Zone 119 [CLASS IV ALARM]. This email has been recreated from the following logs with Feb 6, 2025 · Unlike the later rundowns, rundown #001 is just a tutorial level difficulty, except for D1, the overall difficulty is on the easy side. Find out what zones have IDs and the key card. GTFO Rundown 002 / Infection The Warden has a new objective for you. Enter Zone 121 [BLOOD DOOR] and insert the 1st Power Cell into the Generator in the zone. 31:40, the team saying mines are bad when instead of 1 mine, the team had to use 25% ammo, shotgun sentry and c-Foam. R3 is going to be released next and expect it to be as easy as Rundown 1 if not easier. 0は2023年12月8日アップデートされた、GTFOの最終ランダウン。数多の遠征の果てに待つ結末とは。 全遠征が「優先エクスペディション」である。最終ランダウンだけあり、全ての遠征がストーリー上で大きな意味を持っている。 システム面での変更としては武器の調整や新種の敵の追加 R4 was the redemption rundown. Rundown 6 Logs can be found here: Rundown 6. Можно здесь же разместить скрины и пометить что это старая карта с раннего доступа, а это изменённая карта от текущего числа, то бишь от 20. 5), the Current link will be updated to include the Extension levels Feb 28, 2022 · C2 It is the first real vibe check you get from the game this rundown. 0 "deviation" alt:// rundown 1. It introduces the Retrieve HSU mission type. This level introduces the core mechanics of the game: stealth, security doors, alarms, keys, and the common enemies. Both N(yxo)s and Jul 11, 2021 · Rundown 001 archive maps Hunter48RUS, не обязательно ещё один делать. steampowered. There is nothing to worry ourselves about yet, but once full construction begins it may be hard to keep (C2) the more sensitive operations under wraps. ALT:// Rundown 1. 추가로 그 터미널의 비밀번호를 입력한 후에 해당 터미널에서 c2에서 이 비밀번호를 알려준 View GTFO speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun. In October 2022 the old rundowns started to get brought back into the current version of the game as ALT rundowns (you can play ALT rundowns without issue on the server, the rule is against going to the original versions of the rundowns). GTFO Rundown 005 - Rebirth GTFO公式Discord Patch note及びDeepL翻訳を参考. Main: Gather Items Search for 12 Personnel IDs Dec 26, 2019 · Steam Community: GTFO. Each tier of difficulty is given a letter: A Здравствуй, дорогой друг!Продолжаем изучать комплекс #gtfo и в этот раз на задании C2 Decode #rundown 1 нам предстоит 原文 译文 ---Category: Weekly Notes 12/08 - 12/14 2054 Reported by: Dr. com/PtitsebInfo/Pour l Nov 3, 2024 · Step 1 code is immediately given on the screen, and when you enter the code, step 1 ends and the door to Zone 512 in the front of the reactor room is unlocked. Dec 9, 2019 · Rundown 001 was released on December 9th, 2019. May 6, 2021 · rundown 2. R4 and R6 are baby's first rundowns with optional objectives. Whomever is the code-runner should take a sentry. 1 mine would have cleared that entire blood door. 0 or released at the same time as the rundown. Another question is, should we do all the A missions first in all rundowns then go B, C, etc. 4%다. Main: Activate Generator Cluster Start in Zone 265. overload stayed the same I wish they'd kept Extreme as it was, this new naming convention makes no sense and it confuses new players. Although this rundown has a checkpoint, the expedition can easily take up to 2 hours. If the key is in 118 and 116 has 0-1 IDs, you don't need to go for the cell in 117 (unless that powers all the doors, idk - we realized this later) Do everything in either a full team or 2 and 2. As these logs may have gone through revisions in subsequent updates to GTFO, this article represents the current version of the logs as found within the game. I plan to make these comps for each rundown as they are released. com //Rundown 1 ALT://Rundown 2 ALT://Rundown 3 ALT: [ALT://R1] A1 A1 (Checkpoint) B1 B2 C1 C2 Also maaaan nostalgia for Shotgun sentries and when people didn't think that Mines were useful lol. I was wondering which rundown should we start from? I'm guessing that 1 to 7 is the way to go, but 1 feels way more harsh in the first levels than other A and B missions. Get 6/7 IDs from 116/118, and head back to 119. The events of GTFO are viewed through the experiences of Prisoners; a group of four prisoners (a quad) who undertake a series of expeditions throughout The Complex infested by strange lifeforms referred to as Sleepers. Oct 21, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright See full list on gtfo. This zone contains a Scout and a large concentration of Giants, Big Shooters and Spitters. It is also the The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within Rundown 8. 2022. com There was a brief hiccup at the start of our first attempt but most if not the whole mission we knew nothing about. Take bio, shotgun, and burst or another shotgun. com Pretty nice on C2 since there's multiple birthers in a PE run. 0 but it never got replaced due to the fact that after this Rundown the ALT://Rundowns started. 初めてリアクターが出てくるマップ。リアクターに到着するまでは敵が少なく拍子抜けするかもしれないが、リアクターに着いてからが本番。リアクターを起動するには約1分ほどのラッシュを8回も耐えなくてはいけない。 ひたすら銃を撃つという一風変わったマップになっているためメイン About Press Press Apr 27, 2023 · ALT://Rundown 4. The main purpose of this rundown is to reach and escape from section D, which was used as the entrypoint into Rundown 002. Enter Zone R1B1: PID Search is the second expedition in ALT://Rundown 1. 追加:アーティファクト&ブースター; 追加:フラッドウェイ環境; 追加:The Complexに新たな危険が発生; 追加:懐中電灯の動作表示 Feb 1, 2025 · rundown 2. In this rundown, prisoners were sent to retrieve DNA samples and IDs for Jul 23, 2024 · 1주년 통계 기준 클리어률이 1. rundown 2. In Zone 512, where there is a 2-level code, there are 2 Shadow Scouts and mobs including Shadow. 0 - Release 1. C3 Similar to C2. 0 . One person is the dedicated person that runs back to the terminal and puts in codes between waves, 3 people (or 2 bots + 1 person) hold the wave. Does not matter if the previous round is dead or alive, they always come every 4 minutes with 1 room exception(the end). The overarching campaign comprises eight Rundowns. Let us recall again the contents of the Garganta warning message from PART 1. As this rundown is no longer available to play, this article represents the last version of the logs as found within the game — although errors or omissions may exist. Rundown 2: The prisoners complete various tasks with the end goal of reaching a cold storage and receive a neonate HSU. This will cause the Infectious Fog to slowly rising up until it Jun 27, 2022 · 2021/04/29 Rundown#005 Rebirth アップデート . 0: Rise was released on June 16, 2022 at 02:00 PM CEST. 이후 런다운 #004 확장패치에서도 R4E1 이 출시하여 유일한 E 스테이지는 아니게 되었다. Advance to Zone 249 [CLASS VI ALARM]. Enter Zone 267. R4 definitely hit that sweetspot of difficulty where it has hard but not impossible and the maps were generally fun to play. This rundown was originally meant to be an extension for a vanilla rundown remake that I had been working on, but I decided to go all in on working on this rundown. This in turn is why I have decided these There was a brief hiccup at the start of our first attempt but most if not the whole mission we knew nothing about. D2 Short and intense, lots of shooting, and lots of resources! And a lot of teamwork… This command finishes overload and has two byproducts: 1. This will cause the Infectious Fog to slowly rising up until it scattergun - 1 bodyshot giants, almost 2 shotting mom sniper buff - 6 per refill, essentially most efficient tank, hybrid and giant weapon, makes r6d1, d3, c2, c3 a joke mine buff from r5 - no brainer tool for r6c3 and other levels burst sentry buff - no brainer tool again, very efficient for smalls View GTFO speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun. It was added as the final rundown of GTFO for the perceivable future. I am currently working on Rundown2 comp playlist but we are missing 3 of the 10 levels; C2, D2 and E1. 新機能. From October 20, 2022, it was renamed from RUNDOWN #001 to ALT:// RUNDOWN 1. (C2 excluded, gay map) Dec 29, 2022 · A full detail info on level ALT:R2 R2C2 "???", it contains most of the data you need to know about the level. 0: Contact was released on April 27th, 2023 at 01:00 PM CEST. This log's ID appears to intentionally conflict with AKK-3XW-EEB from other Jan 17, 2022 · This guide will update to Rundown 7 when it is released. 0 の概略 ┣ A1 THE DIG ┣ B1 SACRIFICE ┣ B2 POWER CORRUPTS ┣ B3 PATHFINDER ┣ B4 SEPTIC ┣ C1 TRIANGULATION ┣ C2 ??? ┣ D1 STATISTICS ┣ D2 POWERLESS ┗ E1 CRIB. R7 and R4 are quite even in a lot of places, imo. I think the main difference that holds R7 back is that it doesn't hit its upper levels of difficulty very well. Also, with this patch, Rundown 1 to 7 will be reprinted sequentially one map at a time. Last Modified: 2025 2022年10月20日からRUNDOWN#001からALT:// RUNDOWN 1. 0 "Infection" Rundown 2. R4 and R5 are more challenging, R6 was pretty ezmode though if you haven't done it. Gallus Hammerstein B014 Created: December 14th 2053 Modified: December 16th 2053 C2: OG team delivers the access key to the ALT team. Only issue is inexperienced players running CS tend to be pretty bad at getting into position and staggering their shots to kill 90% of the babies, best to have someone who's done it before or just have backup strats. 0 Logs Apr 1, 2024 · Rundown 2 is actually very easy, until R2D1, D2 and especially E1 which are infamously causing problems for newer players and are the first true test by fire if you do them chronologically. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode Enter Zone 114 [CLASS III ALARM] and collect the Personnel IDs within (1-3 in this zone). On MARCH 31ST 1PM CET it will be available to everyone that owns GTFO Early Access. Rundown 6. Make your way to Zone 115 [CLASS II ALARM]. FIND an ID in 119, but don't I love tanks, fighting them has become my all time favorite moment in GTFO. We can finally announce the release date of the next major update of GTFO: Rundown 002, named Infection - hinting its theme and what you may find down in The Complex this time. D2 Short and intense, lots of shooting, and lots of resources! And a lot of teamwork… GTFO Rundown 002 / Infection The Warden has a new objective for you. It was replaced by Rundown 002 on March 31st, 2020 at 1 PM CEDT // 11 AM UTC. They Feb 6, 2025 · GTFO/RUNDOWN #001. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode View GTFO speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun. The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within Rundown 002 or released at the same time as the rundown. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode scattergun - 1 bodyshot giants, almost 2 shotting mom sniper buff - 6 per refill, essentially most efficient tank, hybrid and giant weapon, makes r6d1, d3, c2, c3 a joke mine buff from r5 - no brainer tool for r6c3 and other levels burst sentry buff - no brainer tool again, very efficient for smalls GTFO is a team-based 4-player co-op game where players are given specific mission objectives and need to fulfill them while dealing with the threat of "sleep For a large part of the games lifecycle (~2020-late 2022), whenever a new rundown came out the previous one would be removed. Feb 3, 2022 · Overload is a third objective. This level introduces the Shadow, a nigh-invisible, slow-moving variant of the Striker that is difficult to keep track of, even with the Bio-Tracker. Woops, I missed a video before uploading B3 Overload's mission. The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within ALT://Rundown 6. Suggest burst sentries and/or sniper sentry. 0. The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within ALT://Rundown 4. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode ALT://R6C2 is the second C-tier expedition in ALT://Rundown 6. 1-3 Snatchers(the new enemy found in C1) will spawn every 4 minutes. Jan 16, 2025 · From the A2 line, there are errors in all of the mission goals, as if something is distorted, and the errors get worse as you go to B3 and B4. This log's ID appears to intentionally conflict with AKK-3XW-EEB from other R1D1: Deeper is the sixth and final expedition in ALT://Rundown 1. Oct 20, 2022 · ALT://Rundown 1. This task is They’re a bit invasive. I recommend the standard tools and swapping out the knife for a sledgehammer to take the chargers in 1 go. There is only one terminal, go down and it's on the right. com/Ptitseb_YoutubeN'hésitez pas à me suivre sur Facebook :https://www. Thanks and Enjoy! Jul 17, 2021 · GTFO > Guides > Hunter48RUS's Guides Rundown 005 - Rundown 005 maps Release 1. C2 Took a few tries but not too bad. Advance to Zone 266 and insert the Datasphere. 0は2022年6月16日アップデートされた。新要素としてチュートリアル、サーマルスコープ、新規BGM、セントリーとBio Trackerの連携機能などが追加された。 昨R6に続きストーリーを重視した「優先エクスペディション」が設定されており、A1, B1, C1, D1, D2が該当する。正式リリースより前の基準 Jul 16, 2021 · rundown 2. R6C3 was really fun though, one of the only levels that you basically run and gunned the entire time. The Rundown is a gameplay feature of GTFO. alt:// rundown 1. 1. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode Rundown 1: The Prisoners are sent to gain access to Rundown 2. 0: Duality was released on December 8, 2023 at 04:00 AM CET. The game still has surprises for us and I I have around 50 hours in the game and decided to get 3 more friends to try it. The jump in general difficulty from C1 to C2 is the best way to force players to learn how to play the game in a more "perfect" way since wasting resources can really hurt later on the level. In C2, it contains Schaeffer's message instead of the goal, and from D2 on, it becomes completely 'unknown'. They then deactivate their control chips to break free of the Schaeffers control. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Rundown 6 player here, just completed Rundown 7 not long ago. The sniper sentry won't get a lot of value here due to you being too far back to scan and the sniper to shoot consistently. It also introduces the Reactor Shutdown mission type. #GTFO #GTFOGameplay #10Chambers In this video I beat mission A1 in the first rundown of GTFO in early access. The Rundown is comprised of a series of "expeditions" in which the Prisoners complete objectives issued by the Warden. If you find any inaccuracy on these maps, please let us know so About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Nov 9, 2020 · A longer mission in the rundown, taking us nearly two hours to complete, we searched in the dark for partial decoders; encountering a new aggressive enemy!So Dec 8, 2023 · Rundown 8. ALT://R6C2 is the second C-tier expedition in ALT://Rundown 6. Overall a generally good rundown which added layered difficulty. [15] 유저마다 개인차가 있다고는 하나 R2E1은 격벽 시스템도 없었으며 보스급 슬리퍼가 없다는 것을 감안하면 R2E1의 난이도가 얼마나 E1 both High and Extreme, C3 Prisoner Efficiency and C2 Priosner Efficiency E1 will be quite obvious why it's difficult as soon as you play it C3 just sucks donkey balls trying to beat as it is such a PAIN C2 is just long so if you fail 3 hours in; you still had an hour to go lmao Jul 23, 2024 · 1주년 통계 기준 클리어률이 1. 0 Logs Jun 18, 2022 · 0:00 INIT Vent Flush Class V Team Scan2:21 INIT Vent Flush Class V Cluster Scan4:18 INIT Vent Flush Class V Mixed Scan9:10 INIT Vent Flush Sustained Threshol Occlusion Boy does DakStar know how to lay on the hate. INTRO (0:00)NOTE (0:23)ZONE 112 (0:33)SET UP ALA I hope these videos are helpful and enjoyable to view. Welcome to Rundown X. Apr 27, 2022 · rundown 2. Apr 14, 2022 · ALT:// Rundown 2. 0, and the first expedition overall in GTFO. Rundown 3: The neonate recovered in R2 is resuscitated, depressurized, opened, gets data for imprinting and is left in an N-Frame which can upload data into it. [15] 유저마다 개인차가 있다고는 하나 R2E1은 격벽 시스템도 없었으며 보스급 슬리퍼가 없다는 것을 감안하면 R2E1의 난이도가 얼마나 E1 both High and Extreme, C3 Prisoner Efficiency and C2 Priosner Efficiency E1 will be quite obvious why it's difficult as soon as you play it C3 just sucks donkey balls trying to beat as it is such a PAIN C2 is just long so if you fail 3 hours in; you still had an hour to go lmao The following article details all of the logs, voice-overs, and other related lore that is found within ALT://Rundown 2. Some tips and walkthrough for this mission: -Don't shine your flashlight on the enemie R1A1: The Admin is the first expedition in ALT://Rundown 1. 2. 0 introduces the protagonist Schaeffer and much of the wider lore surrounding The Complex. Some maps were easy, some were hard. So I recommend favouriting this guide. The Rundowns have a number of expeditions over five tiers, each getting progressively harder the deeper in the Complex they take place in. 0 Destination was released on December 10, 2021 at 3:30 AM UTC. It was the first Rundown to be re-released, as the Rundown system was reworked to not remove older Rundowns anymore. This message was posted by The Warden on the October 18, 2022: D-Lock Oct 21, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 29, 2024 · Rundown 8. Search Zones 116/118/119 for more Personnel IDs until you have 7 (1-3 each, with a total of 9 across the expedition). The resource distribution was just way off-balance, with a large amount of ammo everywhere. Be sure your party is dedicated to the entire run. CRYO 케이스는 Zone 42에서 2등급 알람을 통해 개방할 수 있는 Zone 44에 확정으로 한개가 나오며 나머지 한개는 Zone 43에 있는 발전기에 셀을 삽입해야 열리는 ZONE 45 혹은 ZONE 46에 랜덤하게 배치가 된다. This was the first level of GTFO's Early Access (EA) phase. Our contract with them runs for another 2 years, but we should consider finding a more discrete supplier for the internal construction of the facility. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the dig ┣ b1 sacrifice ┣ b2 power corrupts ┣ b3 pathfinder ┣ b4 septic ┣ c1 triangulation ┣ c2 ??? ┣ d1 statistics ┣ d2 powerless ┗ e1 crib. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode R8C2 is the second C-Tier expedition in Rundown 8. In rundown 6 they changed it to main and secondary. Rundown 6 will move to the Archive section, for historical reasons when Rundown 7 comes out. 0 の概略 ┣ a1 the admin ┣ b1 pid search ┣ b2 the officer ┣ c1 reconnect ┣ c2 decode Dec 9, 2021 · Rundown 6. Before rundown 6 objectives were called high (main) extreme (secondary) and overload. another thing i noticed with E1 as well from these spreadsheets is that they removed a scan from the second and third surge while making the final surge have only 1 team scan and 2 clusters in place of 3 team scans. It also allows for a level of player choice; not all of the zones in this expedition need to be accessed to complete the core objective. In this rundown, prisoners were sent to retrieve DNA samples and IDs for clearance into Setup sentries to guard the choke point. facebook. Once inside Zone 249, record a message. Light fog(non toxic) now fills the rooms, slightly obscuring vision. Please let me know if there are any questions regarding our play throughs or of the videos themselves. This is the first expedition to feature multiple Scouts patrolling the same zone, or even the same room. This level introduces the Gather Items mission type, where a certain number of collectibles must be obtained before the crew is allowed to escape. ALT://Rundown 4. Game is GTFO, Rundown is Occlusion0:00 Drop5:55 Into Zone 21912:48 Into Secondary Zone 245 (Gather N'hésitez pas à me suivre sur Twitter :https://twitter. If Rundown 6 gets an Extension (ie. zoe fdwkmy vfguh sppz gqvhb wnavu xfac ebsx kyx gfxnapw cdqfr sxuyp qiku tvnarbz nal