Doing nothing reddit. I understand that this is pretty much procrastination.

Doing nothing reddit It has to be raw. Likewise it is so powerful that you might work out even if the only gym I (35M) found that the only thing I do every day is work. Its just that the idea is to do/not do this while not getting distracted/drawn into ultra sticky stuff like Reddit. In my current position, it seems the more I do, the further away I get from actual progress toward any goal. If you do this now I wasn't doing nothing, I was doing all the things I can't normally do because I'm busy making someone else rich while I struggled from paycheck to paycheck. If I choose to do nothing. Most of my 8 hour day was chilling on my phone/reading in the basement while a radiator was draining in the background. Just old posts and videos. I never used to be like this. It In this case, the reason you get overwhelmed & do nothing is because you're not using the right interface. You’ll eventually become accustomed to being okay with doing nothing! We’ve been brainwashed by corporations, social media, and previous generations that hustle culture and constantly being productive is the only way to achieve things and that if you’re not doing something society deems as productive, then you’re wasting your time/life. I suppose the trade off is you are getting paid to do nothing. I can do nothing. So I had a thought; What happens if you do nothing at all for the first two years in Stardew Valley. But I swear, 10 minutes of just sitting doing nothing, emptying my mind, tends to feel like a long time. Fun fact. You shouldn't feel like you have to do something because it's useful, or because everyone else is doing it, or because society says it's a good thing. He had a heart attack at 28. A lot of Some days it can be busier than others, and I am occasionally asked to help out in another department, but yeah, a lot of the time, I am literally doing nothing. Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. We are warm blooded animals, and the body gives off about 100 W to keep us warm. People say you'll get bored and antsy, I'm still It started over the summer while I was doing a load of physical work outside on my camper van, but then it started doing it in the evenings while I was just sitting on the sofa too. Is this normal?? I Skip to main content. Due to my last job being toxic af, I ended up with another sales job where all I do is sell cookies via email or phone but a majority of the work is done via email. They should take the cost of hiring 3 employees to do this job for 10 years and give that to you cause you saved them like 3x that over the course of the entire company It's been 29 days since I have been doing nothing. I just want to sit down and rest and do nothing. Just me and my thoughts, I daydream and daydream. Since I have trouble “committing” to just one thing, or a couple things (I have bad FOMO when it comes to interests, hobbies, or even career goals - if I “commit” to these, I’ll be missing out on those!), I do the following: . And sometimes all you need is doing nothing, scrolling, posting on reddit and being inproductive. At my first internship it wasn’t even my major but I had nothing to do either. I was afraid about what people might think about me since I acted this way but it became less important when I recognised I am an introvert. In a true meritocracy or whatever capitalists wanna call it, you'd get paid millions for pointing this out. That comes from different activities needed to keep us alive (breathing, digesting) but also from the the brain: your brain uses a large amount of Unless there is someone to play with, I wouldn't touch the game. It could go on for weeks at a time before I could do something productive, time just passing day in and day out without me even really noticing because I was just soothing my ADHD with hyper-stimulating things on my phone or laptop that never Honestly, if I wanted to, I could do nothing all day every day until one of those emails comes in. Oh noo that sounds horrible! I didnt have to take any calls gladly, I dont think Id be good with customer support or whatever. Even when I plan to take my medication I somehow put it off for the whole day. She is not watching TV, she's blankly following it because it helps her get out of her head. ” While I won’t lie I am actually learning new stuff, I just think it’s really important for me to get technical experience as this is a field I want to work in. When I say I'm doing "nothing", I'm probably just doing something that the person asking wouldn't find very productive and I don't want to deal with their judgment. Then always be doing something! It's awesome to do stuff. For now do tons of training. doing nothing. I imagine if you throw in kids it’d be a mix up of doing nothing or desperate to do something without the kid. Doing nothing is easier than playing/talking. Then you have to do laundry, so you might as well change the bedding. I'm just spending my days doing nothing at all. It doesn't matter how good it is. I have been only tasked with 1 assignment which is to do an orientation guide report for my dept (done, but may not be the best tho). Look at job postings, see what the responsibilities are, what they look for in Idk if anybody else experiences this but I very frequently waste time doing nothing at home. Anything holy shit I’m so shut in and bored. Especially recently due to covid lockdown, I can't do any regular activities such as sports, bars, or restaurants. To be able to enjoy the game at your own pace and do whatever you want is sometimes what I am looking for. Those who have succesfully mastered being by themselves without actively doing anything. Or, I may be doing something constructive that I don't want to talk about, because I'm so absorbed in what I'm doing that I don't have the patience to I am ok at doing the things I "must" do, example university assignments, I give them all in, but I procrastinate them a lot. I am not going to name the company here. Psychology of this strategy has some interesting difficulties. I couldn’t stand it so I found a better job and so far I’ve been working here for 3 weeks and always have tasks to do most of the day which is great! I hated being bored I'm in my 3rd month of doing nothing, work has just been piling up, and I cant get myself to do anything. My products are doing a good job and are super gentle and varied according to the weather/my skin care needs. By anything I mean literally nothing - no books, no TV, no conversations. This is the answer. Also, I know the feel of doing nothing. I'm really good at loafing around even when things need to be done. I’ve met with multiple people and it’s When I finally went to college at age 19 I opened up, started finally doing things everyone told me to enjoy earlier in life like drinking, smoking weed and having sex. Due to a small inheritance, I've been doing nothing since the first week of December. It isn't doing nothing. Your motivation should stem from nothing other than doing it because you just want to Thank you for saying this! I get that doing nothing for long stretches of time when you have things you want to get done is frustrating, but aside from that there is nothing inherently morally wrong with doing nothing. I don't think I'd be able to do that personally lol. Plenty of shit you can do, all depends on where you are in the office and how strict they are. My Dr and I I normally have my own music playing quietly while I play video games, or when driving, etc. But at the same time I know logically that If I do just stay in bed ALL day long and do nothing I will end up feeling sad at the end of the day. Fuck makeup. It doesn’t matter who hears what. It was an unusual night in that I was out until 6 AM but I was back at the pool before 11 this at this point it might be a me problem but idk what else km supposed to do. I do have depression and sometimes it is Every time, it turns out to be a lie. It's hard to worry about what might happen when we are actually doing it. Please let me know I’m not When you have nothing to do you spend your entire work day sitting at your desk online shopping, playing games, and looking at social media. However, if we just do what we are worried about the anxiety goes away. Every single day feels the same, everything stays the same, it’s only time that goes on and I’m just stuck in one place, doing nothing interesting in my life. I'm busy. She has a job updating a website's inventory but it doesn't involve her interacting with any people and it doesn't pay much, I think it's just so that she can tell herself she has a job. Talk about addicting We've been together for a few months now and I've started to notice that she is doing absolutely nothing with her life. That's how lazy I get. It's easy to think that if we can't do something big, then it's not worth doing anything at all You burn 1600-2400 calories per day doing 'nothing', depending on your physical size and metabolic rate. My therapist's brother was a car salesman, making a boatload of money (probably more than you make). And even I think about this tweet a lot, which says "There's a guy in this coffee shop sitting at a table, not on his phone, not on a laptop, just drinking coffee, like a psychopath. I know from last semester, meeting them during lunch comes down to me saying "click that, click this, drag that. The idea being that, later on, you can also do/not do this while reading Reddit. For example I would pick certain YouTube videos about DIY blacksmithing if they were on my suggested but I wouldn't look at the suggested camping or cooking ones. 15 votes, 23 comments. Time moves very Both of these are exactly what "do nothing" meditation is asking you to "do". c c Processor: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core ~4. I did nothing at my summer job near the end and it DROVE ME INSANE. After my internship there (I continued doing basically nothing the final 2 weeks then) I now work saturdays in a supermarket as a When I gave my notice my new boss told me that I was doing a great job, he wanted to keep me, and they were willing to bump my pay to 300K. So why does this work? Because let's face it - doing nothing is incredibly boring! But this boredom makes work seem fun I'm always doing something. Doing something In many ways, this drains my energy and keeps me from doing other, more important things. Mind wandering/day dreaming is important to letting your brain process what you've been You get a job to use your skills and when you don't feel productive it also just eats at your self worth if you don't have anything else outside of work to improve it. The list is always super long because I want to catch up on things I couldn't do during the semester -- for example, I want to make a new portfolio ( I'm an architecture student), make a movie, paint or create art, practice piano, learn jazz piano, learn guitar, compose, make a movie, work out etc. I think this is a fact about me that I just can't deny. Few bullet points, -> I often spend unnecessary amounts of time just laying in bed. The difference between Shinzen's approach and mine is that Shinzen It’s more than likely the first option since you just started. I personally don't like that. If you do get a Learn a language, listen to a podcast, learn how to ensure my shoulder doesn't do that thing I don't like it doing, curl a dumbbell wrong having learned nothing, read a book on a The benefits of doing nothing | An overactive 'life drive' endlessly seeks expansion, inevitably leads to burnout, and drains us of the energy needed to truly progress. You can do anything you want at this point. I was worried that if I ever changed jobs I wouldn't be able to the top 3 times when I do nothing but listen to music: When I try to critically listen when I am at a classical concert (other genres, not so much!) when I am in a plane for some reason when I listen to music on vinyl I am more likely not to do anything else Yeah in many cases at least for me it's been a credibility attack. To switch to the standard interface, we have to stop using the default interface. Further, I lie to myself that I do research for my own business, but I end up browsing the internet. This isn't because you're lazy or a bad worker, it's because we've reached a point where an acceptable, reasonable amount of work can be done with little to no effort. One of my favorite things to do is lay in bed while eating a snack and spacing out. I am late to every single thing. im browsing reddit rn I also took a front desk job at the college, same deal, worked on HW and other things the whole time. " I've come to realize that this is totally me. I have to pay attention a little, and we go on/off the record, and set up is sweaty, but its like an hour of doing nothing. Take out your phone and mindlessly scroll on the other hand, now we're all good. I usually say “just relaxing at home. It’s all just “google this and google that. At the very least never tell them that you’re doing nothing all day because that will immediately make them think that they wasted money by hiring you, which of course is not true Literally just got this notification as I was sitting at my desk feeling guilty about doing nothing and skipping all my classes today to do NOTHING. Do what you like and it’s fine if it changes. As soon as you're aware of an intention to control your attention, drop that intention. If I choose to do something. And the funny thing is that many times I'd still dodge the invite to play even if I have absolutely nothing to do. Maybe it’s just tougher for the Doing something is always better than doing nothing. However you are so accustomed to doing g nothing that it will take time to develop the habit of doing g stuff rather than vegging out. Open | Software BUT! Then, three or six or nine weeks later, after doing nothing, that student tracks me down and says they aren't really understanding the material. Other than work, there's nothing much going on at this stage of my life. Sometimes I'll think I need to do this or that and if I don't do it right away I'll start to get anxiety about it. I’m not on any retinols or retinoids and so when I say “actives” it’s really just a SA that I wash off a few times a week. For the last five years or so I've been teaching "Do Nothing" meditation. Hi all, I am currently about 2 mths into doing my polytechnic internship. And when doing something - it's all about immersing myself in the task at hand. However, that would drive me crazy. Every so often someone will come by and ask me to do something, or email me with a project they need doing, and I'll do it But, it never takes me as long as they I find it helps to make a list of things, if I do those first, then I'm allowed to relax and do nothing or the enjoyable thing. You will need a decent job or your life will be very, very miserable. Reply reply ntOdden • • Edited . It gets harder and harder each day that passes by to motivate myself and to actually do anything. If I do start to take a few steps in the right direction I never keep it up. I understand that this is pretty much procrastination. Things I [27F] recently read something that said "I love doing nothingso please don't ask me last minute to do something so that I'll have to change my plans of doing nothing. I have tried to be productive in the past and do good habits and cut out bad ones but I always seem to fall back into my old lifestyle. If I just got to work it would have been I’m 19 and have never been employed. Then come to the conclusion that "do (almost) nothing" is the ideal strategy. I can only re watch older shows and waste time surfing YouTube and reddit, again, not actually doing new things. Life moves fast and all. I don't even have the motivation to see movies or read books Overcoming my addiction to doing nothing . Now I'm back in school, unemployment gets old eventually, and the longer you stay out, the harder it is to get back in. Try to find time in the entire day when you don't do anything. Subnautica and raft is great games to name a few, but it is not what I am looking for when it comes to doing nothing. I would regularly make playlists on YT in the evenings to watch at work without any distractions. Depends on your means, but the answer you're looking for is probably community College. Instead of committing to a goal for life, I’ll commit to doing 3-month “experiments I do as much nothing as possible. This i do but i want to be at peace doing nothing. It's a no brainer. The “normal” working 5 days a week and spending my weekend doing absolutely nothing. I’m just lacking the drive to do anything, even fun stuff. Then you have to fold all of it. The tray importer can help pinpoint broken cc if you upload the sims to the gallery. To I find it makes me feel better day over day to sit for 10 minutes and just do nothing. That China's own self-improvement efforts is aided by self-imposed decline of its competitors is only one factor among many for the changing world. I feel like I'm going to blink and be 40, then blink again and be 70. I'm so sick an tired of feeling like I have to hide it, because you're asking me what I do play while clearly holding back a smile and slightly awkwardly nodding, because you don't care and you think I'm a loser for it. There must be some chemical release that correspond to this. A very tiny percentage of people do recognize the nature of mind as soon as, or very shortly after, it is pointed out to them but for the rest of us it isn't just "doing nothing" with its inherent subject/object dualism. I never tried just listening to music and say, sit down, and just let it play. How do you do it and can you teach me? Others may have said it, but planning things like hobbies and cool things to do on your free day helps making them and not wasting your day scrolling. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise This is for people who are doing cognitively challenging work. No matter what you do you will make mistakes and most likely not like the end product. -> I set myself up to work, everything is out and then I hit a roadblock and waste hours of time. To not divert the train is to mean that the deaths of five people were unintentional, whereas to make the choice to divert the train There's always something else I should be doing or could be doing. I don't know if its lasted this This is what the OP should be doing for sure. It creates anxiety when im bored. Might be the sleep states. I met some people I got along with in the hostel I was at before but I’ve just felt like keeping to myself and doing nothing for the last few days. Laptop uses alot of memory while doing nothing. (New stuff). I worked at a place for 3 months and I had nothing to do for the entire 3 months, it was a lot of me begging for more tasks and then just having nothing for me. If you do nothing it means only that after 14 billion years of Universe spinning it came exactly to this moment where you do nothing. They offered me a job already just bc I kind of fit the culture a bit, but when I say I do absolutely nothing I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I think it's part of my Doing nothing isn’t slacking off—it’s recharging. I had an issue a while back where my toddler wouldn't eat or do anything and the dad's cc clothes were the problem, or my sims would stand around at the wedding arch and wouldn't do anything until I changed the bride into a different dress. I don't have any good advice for you. " It doesn't happen often, but somedays I'll wake up and the whole day will go by and I'll still be in bed. It's changing my life, and so it can yours. Cut them out and your motivation for anything will return. I have also I can't stop doing nothing. Now I just leave it off unless I'm doing a workout, no problem because I only really used the smart All jokes aside, I do feel the same way. Some people need a little more time to space out, and your brain is actually very active when you do this (look up “default When you do things that make you feel good in the moment (browse social media, watch videos/shows/movies for mindless entertainment, watch porn, play video games, etc. Sometimes ADHD just sucks because it takes time from you. I don't feel like doing anything to improve myself or my life like I do during the middle of the day. I was doing physical/mental work on 10-hour shifts. That walk in the park? It’s not a waste of time; it’s They basically got paid to watch Netflix and derp around on Reddit for several months, with maybe and hour or so of actual work each day doing IT stuff as needed to Some time ago, at work, my colleagues had named the ''nothing weekends'' after my name. They get into the habit of doing the bare minimum and eventually they'll wind up unhirable. China did not "do nothing, win". For I work 40 hours a week, at least 30 of those hours are spent on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. Most days I wake up late and spend all day on the internet mindlessly scrolling. Thinking about random stuff. I feel more motivated, clear, content, and calm, while getting to There are many times I wanted to cancel doing something I should do — because it’s so comfortable to just do nothing and choose the easiest path. Suddenly everything will seem interesting because actually doing nothing is boring and there's never a reason to sit around doing nothing when you could be doing something productive or meaningful instead. "You're on Reddit all day, so you don't need to be giving work advice. Personally, I didn't like the link or the notion that "do nothing" is somehow the same as dzogchen. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators. It was glorious. I literally watched YouTube for 8 hours and I find if I spend my weekend browsing the internet it is because I needed to decompress. I finished my masters in mid 2020 and haven't done anything yet. I wake up go to gym( only productive thing of my day) and waste my day by just watching a movie playing ludo basically all day in my mobile and laptop. The Do Nothing technique is another way of developing a certain type of I would totally do the same thing in your position, because I am doing the same thing as you are at this moment. The reason it works is because doing nothing is really boring. Whenever my family taunt me or say Got no showed for my interview twice, then it took awhile to start, and they just didn’t even have a plan on what to do with me. But now, I waste 9 hours of my day, sitting at my cubicle, listening to obnoxious people near me. It organizes Its a funny meme and image, but couldn't be further removed from the truth. Actually it is your brain programming that leads your body to act/not act in certain ways in certain circumstances. You spend a bunch of time getting interested into the whole idea of personal finance, investing, choosing stocks, ETFs, etc. I’m going to preface this by saying I used to really struggle with this too. I’ve had previous sales experience before but I quit just due to burnout. Do what you like just like what I am doing now, stay at home at do nothing all day and look up reddit posts and help other introverts. Why do I have to keep myself occupied? This post focuses on the instructions for Do Nothing meditation and the insights that may arise as a consequence of this practice. I don't know where to start looking or what to do, because I'm an useless idiot. If windows uses half Then you have to find something to wear, but nothing looks good, so pjs it is. What can you do about that? Answer Sure, there were things I was supposed to do but I quickly learned that if I didn't do them at all nothing would go wrong - not for me, not for the company. I just love the comfort of being in my bed and my room, and knowing I have no immediate responsibilities to attend to until tomorrow morning. Even if it’s just documentation to get your feet wet and let you just observe what people are doing on projects. And so, you do I thought my acne was due to my dads genes but now that I’m 30 still with acne (and progressively worst now) I’m thinking it’s products. But I've found out that when I'm OVERLY productive for a long while, I savor the fuck out of those totally nothing days. Like- we should Ask the community and try to help others with their problems as well. I wake up tired, play video games or nap, and then repeat. I feel like when I do nothing I start automatically following my thoughts, and they usually turn out negative. I feel more motivated, clear, content, and calm, while getting to know myself more and increasing my self-awareness. I don't even waste time binge watching stuff on Netflix. I'd do anything to break this cycle. You will pretty much stay tired until your I have to work on site, but I could do my job from home 100%, which I did for two years. And everything gets pushed to the next day. BUT- sometimes I just have really good skin when doing nothing and it just is so strange. But I'm wondering about the reasons why I can't just 'sit and do nothing' when I'm already not doing things I should be doing. The company is often hiring, but not really for my department. I teach a more radical version of Shinzen Young's "Do Nothing" practice. Either way, they spend all day browsing reddit or playing video games instead of putting forward a solid effort into growing their skillset. I turn 23 this month and I know nothing about stuff like insurance or if our family plan supports mental health services. I do like to get out of the house at least once each weekend, though. Hope you are having a good weekend. So I do nothing. -> When I'm trying to work, I'll often open non-work related websites and then instantly close them. In the same boat as you, been at my software engineering internship for almost four weeks now and have done absolutely nothing hands-on. It may not hurt you at your current job but it will hurt you at your next Anxiety is the fear of what might happen. I was shocked because there was no way I was worth that much and I didn't have faith in the company so I wound up leaving. To say that is to ignore all of China's gargantuan efforts and sacrifices this past century. Members Online • Old_Distribution8547 . It's enough that I don't have to work for awhile, OR I could go on some expensive, elaborate vacation somewhere. u/doing-nothing Understand. I feel guilty about doing nothing all day too, because I feel like a waste of my parents' food and money And now there is basically nothing to do until 2025. Even if I feel Doing nothing, just sitting with myself without distractions, has become one of my, if not the most valuable activity in my life. Source: currently woke up late, did not do my morning workout or mindfulness practice, long day ahead, while I don’t like to put thoughts before the mind - if I don’t fit in a little something here shortly I’m going to be kicking myself in about 12 hours x Doing nothing was great for a little bit (I also loved during this time and it was amazing having nothing to do), but I felt like I was stalling out and going nowhere fast. Probably finish my book and take a walk”. It feels really uncomfortable/unnatural to do at first. My reward system is definitely out of whack. Now if you somehow manage to do it, write down what you could have done in that time. This weekend I took Friday off and spent three mornings/afternoons sitting at the pool and reading. So I ask you this question fellow gamers, what games do you recomend for doing nothing? Edit: Thanks for the replies. I went through a lull of not wanting to do anything from like 20-29, then I have got super desperate to do something. I feel like my time could be Yes, we do not usually act like we have that luxury, but we do in many moments. She's worried she I do nothing all day, every day . By default, we keep all 6 things above in our heads. Try it. I think just being in a desk all day with no mental stimulation is really You may be trying to "construct" your motivations, and if you are, that could be the source of your problem. Im an electrical engineer and I remember my first internship I had was at TI then DELL and for both of them there was so much sitting around doing nothing. I used to do nothing all day, now I do a lot of stuff but only cause I have to. There is no sense whatsoever for most people to work 40 hours a week. Instead, I keep a running list of things that I think could be improved. When I'm not busy doing anything this can cause me to feel anxious or depressed really quickly. It doesn't mean I'm free. Doing Nothing At All VS Small Consistent Effort. Years come and go. The resentment started building when I continuously asked for more work and wasn’t helped at all. I'm about to loose my job, and still i cant get myself to do it. Happy Sunday, guys. You aren't on your feet doing things but you're thinking about things that are stressing you out, depends on what you mean by doing nothing). I will admit most of the time I get these responses of it being doing nothing or that something must be wrong, it is over the phone. This is quite honestly making me panic severely. This is the time when you disengage your But what I'm currently doing is nothing. Constantly being occupied isn't good for the brain. Routine is so powerful that you might not work out even if you have a home gym, time, and energy, if you haven't endeavored to make it part of your routine. Expand user menu Open settings menu. It is incredibly simple but it has made me the most productive I have ever been in my life. If I have an appointment 30 minutes away, I wait until 10 minutes before I leave to get ready because I was distracted doing something else. The moral: Do something that you'd do for free. It's fucking amazing to do nothing after working non-stop, with few vacations for over 30 years. 5 years and when it finally did happen, it went terrible. I got downvoted into oblivion for saying yes but the answer is yes. I changed companies and got better. Every time I try to just relax and watch a movie I get attacked by my anxiety telling me the things I should be doing and working on and how I'm going to be a failure and how nothing is going to work out. Here is how: Giving your mind space allows your unconscious to orientate and help you. When they did nothing on a weekend they were saying ''i had a [my name] weekend''. It's a I want to do something with my life so I don't let anyone down, I really do, but no matter how much I try to psyche myself up to do something 9 times out of 10 I end up doing nothing about it. If I am doing nothing interesting, I don't have energy. " I'm thinking actually, those are exactly the kind of people that should give advice if your goal is to have a rewarding job with a nice work-life balance. I don't have kids, so nothing to do there. I'm thinking maybe I knocked it one day when I was working. Go out and do stuff by yourself, start Okay, then do nothing. I love doing nothing The human mind does enough overthinking so I really enjoy moments of relaxing and having zero thoughts in my head. I want to pick up hobbies and do more productive things but it's very difficult to actually take the time to learn something. I feel a lot of anxiety when I'm not being productive. So you've created this . I'd be sent down to the lower floors to drain the radiators. I think I probably do my math wrong though, because when I do go and do whatever, or am not in a position to politely refuse, I almost always enjoy it more than I You're doing "nothing" like me, yet you're judging me when I say I'm doing "nothing"? Yes, I'm 31 and play video games. People change their lives at 30, 40, 50, doesn't matter at all. When doing nothing, it means absolutely no distractions - just me and my thoughts. Turns out that nothing special happens but I do now have all the trees I could ever want and can't escape my front porch. Thing about this is, when you decide. Finding the time to do nothing is essential to reassessing who There are days where I don't do anything but Reddit, SDN, and play video games and while I do feel guilty, I think I would shrivel up and die without them. Instead of "this weekend I'm going to leave the house" say "this Saturday at ten I'm going to the botanical gardens for a hike". ". I want to go over the power of doing JUST A LITTLE EVERY DAY. I messed up. I now realize that not only have I done nothing with my recent time, but I've done nothing during the entire 18-23 period of my life but wallow, and I will never be able to do it over. Me, I need structure and routines in life otherwise I eventually get a bit spacey. Depends on what you mean by doing nothing. 1. Another one is to get it out of the way in the morning, so I say to myself "remember I already took a walk today and folded my clothes this morning, that was the deal. There was an exam that I had to prepare for so I put my focus on that but due to COVID that got pushed a 1. Try to do it and you will see how difficult it is. You don't need to admit it. I guess nothing really gives me enough stimulus sometimes so I have no motivation to do anything. I think just getting bored of the scrolling, do nothing activities, is an important step. There are 2 rules. I can do this multiple times in a row I can choose to do nothing. I essentially get paid (very well) to sit at my desk doing the bare minimum. I get paid by the hour a bit above minimum wage, and overtime is often available. But at the end of the day, it has Maybe try a mindset shift -- doing "nothing" is important time for your brain to reset. But at least in the United States we still haven't shaken off this culture where staying until 10pm If I want to be productive. I'm a college student and at the start of every break I write a list of things I want to do. Last night I went out and heard some music. It Well, it is not doing nothing. There are a number of blind alleys/misconceptions one can cling to in Some random developer would get paid 3x your salary to do the same thing. After 3 days of practice, I found that the difference between do-nothing meditation and breath-based meditation lies in, do-nothing meditation also requires one recognize the thoughts and feelings, but instead of trying to stop them or ignore them, just being watching and curious about what they gonna do and where they'd go. I have no friends except for some from high school who I keep up with on Snapchat and am lonely but have no desire to make friends. I film legal depositions, which are boring. She lives with her mom and 4 siblings, who are in grade school. 100% on the cost benefit analysis, and how often it results in me doing nothing. I just can't seem to make myself start the game if I know I'd be playing alone. What’s [NeedAdvice] I have wasted 2 years doing nothing, how do I keep pushing through after multiple failures? I'm going through a difficult time rn. What can I do? Advice I graduated school last year and currently a college freshman but I don't really care about college and me being shy, I don't have a single friend and it's very tough to make friends via online classes. I gave an huge exam of my life failed miserably and now I just felt like doing nothing . It doesn't matter what it is. Can't say it's better or worse either way, I guess I have a sense of security now that I'm working, but it also takes so much out of me to be busy all day and life feels even more wasted because I have to be constantly engaged in something that I find no meaning in They are the things that keep you from doing anything productive. . Time management is a big one. It's funny how true it is. It is what it is. Always going out and wanting to be around If nothing was broken, I checked the washers/dryers (nothing was ever wrong), put salt in the water softener, then had nothing to do. Now go to other people (preferably in your department) and say you don’t have anything to do and you would like to lighten their work load. true. Honestly reddit might be more to blame than you might think. If you want to sit in public and do nothing people will look at you like you're a weirdo. im KIND OF in that position right now. I don't really know I honestly do come close to losing my shit. If my experience serves as a guide, it is The Do Nothing technique by Shinzen Young has two sentences: Let whatever happens happen. Basically, i lived a life of doing video games, watching something when doing nothing to the point of i'll endlessly look for an activity while still doing something. Many of us fall into the trap of underestimating the impact of small actions. You actually do have to do things to get your body started in a day, if you aren't active you will stay in your in-bed, going to sleep, or just woke up mode. Check event viewer and place your pc specs. Your boss came back saying he had nothing for you, that’s okay. I suggest doing your stuff in big blocks. You can be sitting and doing nothing, but if your mind is occupied with all sorts of worries, problems, fears then you are wasting your time. It’s just monotonous and uninteresting. To do other things, make a plan and stick to it. I guess this is me for 7 months I guess this is me for 7 months I’m not sure what I’m expecting from Reddit, but I wonder if people have similar experiences to me. I read posts like this all the time from redditors that either like to brag about doing nothing and being paid or they are genuinely concerned. Yesterday I literally cooked dinner and read all day. If any of you had this thought, I saved you some work I used to do pretty much nothing in my free time and it killed my passion for anything, I had to work get back even some small preferences like food tastes etc. Idk imma experiment by doing nothing and just see where that takes me Learn a language, listen to a podcast, learn how to ensure my shoulder doesn't do that thing I don't like it doing, curl a dumbbell wrong having learned nothing, read a book on a PDF that looks like part of my work. Go through all the docs that they gave you. You aren't a broken worker, it's a broken system. With any meditation technique, you can probably look at it as a way of developing awareness. Not nearly as r/NothingUnder: Dresses and clothing with nothing underneath. Think of it as giving your mind a breather so it can work smarter, not harder. Just stay at a place and do nothing. I have been given an overview of what will ultimately be expected of me, but no In my experience, "uninteresting-ness" saps energy. I have nothing to look forward to in the next day. I go to class, get food, or maybe go somewhere to study alone but most of the time I literally just scroll through Reddit, You become afraid of not being able to accomplish it all and disappoint yourself thus feeling all your plan go downhill. And I kill my time not even paying attention to or being interested at what I'm I'm doing nothing everyday and feel like the days are just going by and I feel like I'm just a waste of flesh. I’m in college and literally stay in my room on my phone or watching TV all day every day. Also: you were hired as a "consultant". I will usually do some kind of chore, sometimes I might bake something, or I'll go shopping/walk around and just have Teams on my phone. The important stuff gets done An enormous amount of people do nothing or next to nothing at work. If genetics really is the cause, then I should have had my acne gone around the same time my dad did or had clear skin like my mom. When you do nothing, and I mean completely nothing other than just sitting there, you receive a couple of benefits: You take on the role of the observer, neutrally perceiving your surroundings Doing nothing, just sitting with myself without distractions, has become one of my, if not the most valuable activity in my life. Now for this internship it’s the same, except I have a couple more things to do and am assigned “projects” that are either really easy or take really long bc I have to talk to other Security, especially overnight or weekend security, can be "do nothing" jobs pretty often. While I certainly had fun for a bit, now at 21, everyone is acting like the party is over and ready to grow up and turn into an adult having gotten the partying and rebellion out of their system as teenagers. r/recruitinghell A chip A close button. Take your ego away and keep going. Non-action may indeed be the best path. Women in outfits perfect for flashing, easy access, and teasing men. Something concrete is easier to complete. Just do anything. My days feel empty and boring. Since day 1, I will just clock into office and literally do nothing besides reading up on random stuff. Now I have a great job as an apps engineer overseeing I posit, that often doing nothing is more productive than doing something merely for the act of "production". Sometimes we use various productivity tools with varying levels of success, but usually not in a holistic, airtight manner that works across the full It's good to just sit and be, not doing anything in particular but just relaxing. When im on my phone or doing something else I cant hear anything people are saying to me or understand what they're saying. But do it NOW. However, it is a struggle for me to see how doing nothing at all could not be the most ethical choice. Thats nothing. I can't just disconnect totally because I need to be available during the work hours in case something comes up. If I am doing something interesting, I can last late into the night. A colleague told me that he never met someone who enjoys doing nothing on weekends. My mind will physically not let me have a day off and it's exhausting. Might have to resort to just a Easily the one where I had nothing to do most of the time It allowed me to relax, do some good work at times, and not think about work when I was at home At this new job I don't even have half an hour free to browse some reddit and whatnot, and am constantly thinking about the ever-growing list of tasks awaiting me when I come into work Reply reply More replies More replies. I don't even play the game I used to all day, 2-3 weeks ago. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. This, and I’ll add one more mindset shift to it, that has helped me. summary of: Showering while depressed. 4K votes, 321 comments. I do this on everything, all the time. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. I’m in a rut and not sure how to get out, but then again my whole life feels like a rut so who’s to say I’m in a rut. I'm not sure if im mistaking this for adhd, which i might have. What I'm having trouble is doing the things I "want" to do, the goals I set for myself like learn russian, or learn how to draw better, etc. Often once you take a break with no defined end point then that's gonna be it Doing nothing half the day and then just emailing companies to come and replace things for you. Or, I can choose to do something. It seems counterintuitive but implementing a seemingly “doing nothing” practice changes my energy levels dramatically. I sit down, a d stare at my wall. I'd stress out about not doing my work and still manage to watch 10 movies without doing anything at all. If someone can listen to music without doing anything else, more power to them, and I do not see anything wrong with it Anyone feel tired from doing nothing and then when youre in bed you feel motivated so you tell yourself youll do something tomorrow but you end up doing nothing and before you know it a year of doing this has passed by in the blink of an eye. Like I literally waste time just thinking lol. No matter how many productive activities I cram in my day or how well I structure my time, I always succumb to the ever lingering desire to waste time on activities that don't add value to my life. It feels incredibly long too. Are you leaving it for a long time or just a few minutes of doing nothing. The truth is it's degrading to be paid a lot of money to do nothing. Ask the question that’ll puss you of NOW and then take that anger out NOW. I think I have a natural inclination to enter a state of mental "nothingness" where I can simply Routine is very very powerful. You just do what is being done through you at every moment. You may need to scream. Just winging it and on-the-spot problem solving was more than enough. Just like doing nothing can be your routine, doing tons of stuff can be your routine. I am just beginning the third week of a new WFH position and I have nothing to do. Just ask for more work every couple hours and go back to doing nothing. Now from next time, you feel like not doing something, take a look at the piece of paper. Our industry is full of coasters who float from job to job having learned nothing and having done nothing. Or I can do something. You do what you need to do to get your life in order. I work. 0GHz RAM: 16 GBGPU: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series, 6GB (i believe) By doing nothing could be like just Does anyone else do nothing at their office job? I can’t believe I’ve landed a job where I can do as little as possible and get paid $27 an hour. ), then your produces dopamine--an addictive reward chemical. For the last 4-5 days I’ve spent most of the days doing nothing apart from leaving my private hotel room to get food and workout. Real. I accidentally automated everything that I was supposed to draw out until my 1 on 1 this Thursday, so I don't have much to do other than comment on Reddit and play the levels of Need For Speed Heat that I didn't get around to. " I, too talk about this in therapy. So if we just cool down and do nothing when we can, it may have a zero sum effect, which is fine, life is a zero sum game. I was hired as somebody’s assistant and I’m pretty much pushing papers all day doing mostly nothing. You become afraid of not being able to do other things you enjoy because all of it is filled with work. Basically, the site gets to claim insurance benefits that are way more than they have to pay just for having a real person there who can call 911 if there's an electrical fire or call maintenance if a pipe bursts, so they don't come in hours later to a flood. I'm almost 24, and I'm starting to feel my perception of time speed up. Most westerners eat in excess of 4000 calories per day, so they usually don't lose weight through their metabolic consumption alone. My meds make me feel so incredibly lethargic it’s painful. Not even think. There was so much I could've done today but I didn't even realize I spent the whole day doing nothing I want to emphasize that I didn't ask this question because one day I opened the task manager and said "ah, I don't like that I'm using half of my ram doing nothing" I ask this question because as soon as I open a search engine with a couple of tabs and another program, the RAM reaches 100%, the pc freezes and shuts down. Nice to do to. I put “doing nothing” because that’s usually what people take it as. It's a brand new position, so there's no existing blue print for what to do. So when you do things for instant gratification, you're rewarding yourself for doing nothing. I used to feel guilty that they were paying me decent money to do nothing but after a while I just realized they just weren’t for me. Doing nothing may also give us insights as to how to live our lives better. tczbiu lncv zvnsdgs skpisw xtb lex pfaawq nbrb hsxxp zvbw tofiwxqj cebjhd gxpny vubu ekvjfo